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Published May 8, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of an educational facility in Demarest, New Jersey. Completed plans call for the renovation of a primary / secondary education facility.

Northern Valley Regional Auditorium Rigging Upgrades at Demarest HS-165$ Bid The Base Contract Bid shall include furnishing all parts, materials, accessories and labor required for the Auditorium Rigging Upgrades scope of work in accordance with the Specifications prepared on behalf of the Northern Valley Regional High School District Board of Education. Invitation to Bid A. In accordance with the Notice to Bidders, proposals will be accepted by the Northern Valley Regional High School District Board of Education, Demarest New Jersey, (hereinafter referred to as the "Owner") for the performance of the project designated in the Notice to Bidders and further described in the Instructions to Bidders and Bid Specifications. The bids shall cover all cost of any nature, incident to and growing out of the work. In explanation but not in limitation thereof, these costs shall include the cost of all work, labor, materials, equipment, transportation and cost of anything else necessary to perform and complete the project in the manner and within the time required by the specifications, all incidental expenses in connection therewith, all costs on account of loss by damage or destruction of the project, and any additional expenses for unforeseen difficulties encountered, for settlement of damages and for replacement of defective work and materials. B. Before submitting a bid, all bidders shall become familiar with the Notice to Bidders, Instructions to Bidders, Bid Specifications and other bidding documents. It shall also be the responsibility of every bidder to investigate the site of the project and make such examination thereof as may be necessary. All bidders shall determine that they can secure the necessary labor and equipment and that the materials they propose to use will comply with the requirements contained in the Specifications and can be obtained by them in the quantities and at the time required. Appointment for the inspection of the site can be arranged by contacting Doug DeMatteo, representing the Northern Valley Regional High School District Board of Education at 201-852-1335. C. Each bidder shall provide a certification showing that he owns, leases or controls all the necessary equipment required by the Specifications. If the bidder is not the actual owner or lessee of any such equipment, he shall submit a certificate stating the source from which the equipment will be obtained and shall obtain a certificate from the owner and person in control of equipment, granting to the bidder the control of the equipment required during such time as may be necessary for the completion of that portion of the contract for which it is necessary. A form of certification is included as part of the bidding documents to be completed by the Bidder. D. Only manufactured and farm products of the United States, wherever available, shall be used in the performance of the work required to complete the project. E. Any questions that a bidder may have shall be brought to the attention of the Architect. Requests for specific information or clarifications must be received by the Architect in writing ten (10) days, Saturdays, Sundays or holidays excepted, prior to bid date to allow appropriate review and response time. The bidder shall utilize the Architect's Request for Information form provided. Requests for information not submitted on the Architect's form may not be considered. Any prospective bidder who wishes to challenge a bid specification shall file such challenge with the Northern Valley Regional High School District Board of Education no less than three (3) business days prior to the bid opening. Challenges filed after that time shall be void and shall have no impact whatsoever on the Owner or the award of a contract.




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May 17, 2023

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150 Knickerbocker Rd, Demarest, NJ

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