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Site work for a road / highway in Gainesville, Georgia. Completed plans call for site work for a road / highway.

As of July 27, 2023 the project was awarded to Peek Pavement Marking LLC , no awarded amount available . Bidding Process: Hall County herein County is now accepting sealed bids for "Pavement Marking Install & Removal Services Annual Contract." A bid package may be obtained from our website (see below), select on the bid located under the header "Bids and Proposals" and then select "Request a Bid Package". Once the requested information is received in the Purchasing Office a bid package will be sent via email. Firms must submit two (2) copies of their proposal; one (1) of which must be marked as "Original", one (1) marked as "Copy" and one (1) electronic USB drive. We also request proposals be sent in a sealed envelope or a box clearly marked with "IFB #018-44 for "Pavement Markings Install & Removal Services Annual Contract." General Qualifications: Bidders must be in the regular business of providing services involved with pavement marking installation or removal. Validation: Purchasing will only consider signed bid documents. The vendor may not withdraw a bid for a period of one-hundred and twenty (120) after the bid opening. The County reserves the right to retain all bids submitted and use any idea(s) in a bid regardless of whether that bid is selected or not. The County shall have the right to waive any informality or irregularity of immaterial deviation in any bid received. All forms and documents entitled "Mandatory" must be completed and returned with the bid. All bid responses become the property of Hall County and will not be returned. All questions must be in writing and directed solely to the issuing officer, Julie Dorough, Buyer, No other contact of any nature, verbal, email, or other communication, is permissible with any County staff member, nor its elected officials, nor Commissioners, during the evaluation process. Such contact may render the submission in violation of the Official Code of Hall County and rendered as non-responsive. The bid response will not be evaluated for an award.


Roads / Highways


Public - County

Site Work

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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Multiple Locations, Gainesville, GA

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