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Published May 30, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and paving for a civil project in Mora, Minnesota. Completed plans call for site work for a road / highway; and for paving for a road / highway.

Roadway Pavement Markings, Street/Road Asphalt Resurfacing and Milling, Paving (Asphalt or Concrete), Highway Preservation/Maintenance, Pavement Resurface and Rehabilitation, Street/Roadway Reconstruction , Asphalt Overlay, Rehab. and/or Maint. SAP 033-608-015 - (2.53 mi.) The project is located 1-mile West of Mora MN. The work consists of Bituminous surfacing, Aggregate Shouldering, and Striping, Full Depth Reclamation, among other things. The major quantities of work are: 1 L.S. Mobilization; 1 L.S. Maintenance and Restoration of Haul Roads; 38,448 SY Full Depth Reclamation; 3273 CY Shoulder Base Aggregate (LV), Class 1; 2041 CY Drainable Aggregate Base, Type OGAB CV; 2900 LF 4" perforated TP pipe drain 1,780 Gallons Bituminous Material for Tack Coat; 4,245 Tons Type SP 9.5 Wearing Course Mixture (2,C); 4,245 Tons Type SP 9.5 Non-wearing Course Mixture (2,C); 14 Each Mailbox Support; 1 L.S. Traffic Control; 26,208 L.F. 4" traffic marking lines paint, among other things SAP 033-626-007 - (4.15 mi.) The project is located 6 miles North of Ogilvie MN. The work consists of Bituminous surfacing, Aggregate Shouldering, and Striping, among other things. The major quantities of work are: 1 L.S. Mobilization; 1 L.S. Maintenance and Restoration of Haul Roads; 3600 CY Shoulder Base Aggregate (LV), Class 1; 5809 Gallons Bituminous Material for Tack Coat; 2,920 Tons Type SP 4.5 Tight blade leveling Course Mixture (2,B); 6827 Tons Type SP 9.5 Wearing Course Mixture (2,B); 39 Each Mailbox Support; 1 L.S. Traffic Control; 68,884 L.F. 4" traffic marking lines paint, among other things KCP 23-02 - (3.97 mi.) The project is located 1/2 mile SE of Grasston MN on County Road 43. The work consists of Bituminous Overlay, Bituminous Surfacing, Aggregate Shouldering, and Striping. Also, two locations, one 2300 lineal feet, and one location 500 lineal feet, approximately two miles apart, of profile grade correction and in-slope corrections, among other things. The major quantities of work are: 1 L.S. Mobilization; 1 L.S. Maintenance and Restoration of Haul Roads; 19,430 CY (LV) Select Granular embankment; 15,667 SY Geotextile Fabric Type 5; 1,914 CY Shoulder Base Aggregate (LV), Class 1; 5717 Gallons Bituminous Material for Tack Coat; 1865 Tons Type SP 4.5 Non-Wearing Course Mixture (2, B); 6,575 Tons Type SP 9.5 Wearing Course Mixture (2, B); 721 Tons Type SP 9.5 Non-Wearing Course Mixture (2, B); 6,435 LF Silt Fence HI; 1749 Floatation Silt Curtain Type Still Water; 464 Common Topsoil Borrow; Various turf establishment items; 15 Each Mailbox Support; 1 L.S. Traffic Control; 55,291 L.F. 4" traffic marking lines paint; among other things. KCP 23-05 County Wide Paver laid patching The project consists of paver laid bituminous patches at various locations throughout the County 200 Tons Type SP 4.5 Tight blade leveling Course Mixture (2,B); 400 Tons Type SP 9.5 Wearing Course Mixture (2,B); 295 SY Bituminous removal (surfacing on timber bridge) milling or other approved method. Arthur Township Project 23-01 There are two areas within the Arthur township project. The first is 1 mile northwest of Mora MN. This work consists of paving a rural residential subdivision over existing aggregate base. The second area is 2.75 miles southwest of Mora MN. This work consists of a bituminous overlay over existing pavement on "old TH 23". 2050 Tons Type SP 9.5 Wearing Course Mixture (2, C); 830 Tons Type SP 9.5 Wearing Course Mixture (2,B); among other things City of Mora Project 2023-01 The project consists of paver laid bituminous patches at various locations throughout the City of Mora. 1300 Tons Type SP 9.5 Wearing Course Mixture (2,B); 1917 LF of milling 0"- 2-1/2" deep over 6' (curb line milling); among other things. City of Mora Project 2023-01 STARTING DATE: June 26, 2023 COMPLETION DATE: 45 Working Days


Roads / Highways


Public - County

Paving, Site Work





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May 30, 2023

June 26, 2023


Multiple Locations, Mora, MN

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