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Published May 25, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a road / highway in Gray, Maine. Completed plans call for site work for a road / highway.

The Town of Gray is requesting proposals for the construction of a recreational trail and associated amenities on the town-owned "gateway" parcel, located on the west side of Route 100/Main Street at the intersection of Colley Hill Road, Tax Map 35, Lot 403-027-000. The scope of work will include installation of a stone dust trail with associated tree and stump clearing as necessary; installation of fencing and plantings to create buffering to abutting properties; and installation of trailside landscaping. Questions/clarifications about this RFP are due on May 8, 2023, and should be directed to Town Manager Nate Rudy. Monday, May 8, 2023: Questions/clarifications regarding RFP due SCOPE OF THE REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS A. Introduction and Background Gray is in northern Cumberland County, which is in southern Maine. Located along the Maine Turnpike (I-95), Gray is home to 8,300 people and features lakes, open spaces, residential neighborhoods, and a Village Center that is a focus area for new development under the Town of Gray's 2020 Comprehensive Plan. The Town of Gray has a Council / Manager form of government, with the Town Manager operating as the administrative head of the Town. The Village Area Loop Trail (VALT) Phase II project includes installation of a 6-foot-wide, approximately 1/2-mile-long (2,140 linear feet) stone dust trail along the perimeter of the townowned "gateway" parcel, with associated landscaping, amenities and buffering to abutting properties. This parcel is shown on the VALT map (Attachment 1). The new trail bed will match that of the existing section of the VALT, which is located on the town hall property across the street, at 24 Main Street. Shallow berms and swales on the sides of the trail will shape the otherwise flat topography. Vegetative features will be perennial-dominant, and feature fruiting shrubs and trees, and aromatic herbs. This project is funded in part by a Community Development Block Grant from the Cumberland County Community Development Program. Davis Bacon prevailing wages and other federal requirements will apply. B. Scope of Work The deliverable for this Village Area Loop Trail Phase II: Construction RFP is construction of the trail and its associated amenities, in accordance with the plans for construction, as completed by Sebago Technics and approved by the Town of Gray Planning Board. This will include installation of the stone dust trail (detailed below) with associated tree and stump clearing as necessary; installation of fencing and plantings to create buffering to abutting properties; and installation of trailside landscaping. 1. Trail Construction: On 2,140 linear feet of stone dust trail: a. Remove trees and stumps in trail path where needed, width (6 feet); b. Remove/trim trees & shrubs within 3 feet of trail to height of 8 feet; d. Remove existing material and haul off site, reserving any sod/topsoil/granular or excavated material for patching shoulders, general site fills and grading as needed; e. Grub and remove existing soil; f. Install and compact 8 inches Type D Gravel; g. Install 3 inches crusher dust and roll to compact; h. Replace sod and loam/seed/mulch shoulders to match existing grass; and i. Install erosion control in accordance with Maine DEP Erosion and Sediment Control Practices Field Guide for Contractors and remove erosion controls as necessary, postconstruction. The timing and sequence of events resulting from this Request for Proposals will ultimately be determined by the Town. The expected timeline is as follows: o Monday, May 8, 2023: Questions/clarifications regarding RFP due o Tuesday, May 9, 2023: Addenda issued by 1:00 PM EST (via Town website only) o Tuesday, May 16, 2023: Submissions due by 12:00 PM EST o Wednesday, May 24, 2023: Submission review finalized, winning respondent chosen o Tuesday, June 6, 2023: Winning respondent recommended to Town Council for approval o Wednesday, June 7, 2023: Winning respondent notified; contract negotiations begin o Monday, June 19, 2023: Date at which contract term will begin, pending approval of final contract by both parties and completion of necessary county/federal contractual forms


Roads / Highways


Public - City

Site Work

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