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Renovation of a military facility in Miami, Florida. Completed plans call for the renovation of a military facility.

COMBINED SYNOPSIS/SOLICITATION MODIFICATION NOTES: This is a recompete of 1305M322PNWWP0187. Replacement parts don't have to be Cummins, however they must be equivalent to Cummins. They must be compatible with all associated equipment as the current ATS are and must physically fit in the exact same location with very little or no modifications. Any shutdown length should be as short as possible to complete the replacement of the ATS's. Work should be performed during normal business hours. We dont have access to the Electrical Diagram for the WFO; if actuallly needed, the vendor can look at prints while on site, but no diagrams or prints will be issued. MFL Automatic Transfer Switches MORE INFORMATION CAN BE FOUND IN THE ATTACHMENTS. (I) This is a combined synopsis/solicitation for commercial items prepared in accordance with the format in FAR Subpart 12.6, as supplemented with additional information included in this notice and in accordance with the simplified acquisition procedures authorized in FAR Part 13. This announcement constitutes the only solicitation; quotes are being requested and a written solicitation will not be issued. (II) This solicitation is issued as a request for quotation (RFQ). Submit written quotes on RFQ Number NWWP99182300171VES. (III) The solicitation document and incorporated provisions and clauses are those in effect through Federal Acquisition Circular 2023-02 (Mar 2023) Deviation 2023-03 (Dec 2022). (IV) This solicitation is being issued as a total Small Business Set-Aside. The associated NAICS code is 238210. The small business size standard $19 Million. (V) This combined solicitation/synopsis is for purchase of the following commercial services: Line Item 0001 - Services, non-personal, to provide all labor, equipment and materials (unless otherwise provided herein) necessary for replacing the Automatic Transfer Switches (ATS) identified in this contract, located in the electrical room of the Weather Forecast Office (WFO) in Miami, Florida Weather Forecast Office (WFO) as described in the attached Statement of Work. (VI) Description of requirements is as follows: See attached Statement of Work which applies to this acquisition and Department of Labor Wage Rates: WD 2015-4543, Revision No. 23, dated 12/27/2022, which can be found on: The work to be performed under this Contract shall consist of furnishing and installing all tools, equipment, materials, supplies, and manufactured articles and furnishing all labor, transportation, and services, including fuel, power, water, and essential communications, and performing all work, or other operations required for the fulfillment of the Contract in strict accordance with the Contract Documents. The National Weather Service (NWS) expects a "turnkey" solution for this project. The work shall be complete, and all work, materials, and services not expressly indicated or called for in the Contract Documents which may be necessary for the complete and proper construction of the work in good faith shall be provided by the Contractor as though originally so indicated, at no increase in cost to the Government. See attached Statement of Work for full list of requirements. (VII) Period of Performance: 180 Days after award. PLACE OF PERFORMANCE National Weather Service 11691 SW 17th ST, Miami FL 33165-2149 Service Contract Labor Standards Act applies for Dade, County FL. (VIII) FAR 52.212-1, INSTRUCTIONS TO OFFERORS - COMMERCIAL PRODUCTS AND COMMERCIAL SERVICES (MAR 2023), applies to this acquisition. NOTICE TO OFFERORS: Instructions for submitting quotations under this request for quote must be followed. Failure to provide all information to aid in the evaluation may be considered non-responsive. Offers that are non-responsive may be excluded from further evaluation and rejected without further notification to the offeror. 1. Submit PDF or Microsoft Word format quotations to the office specified in this solicitation at or before the time specified in the solicitation. Email quotes are required and can be sent to 2. Offeror shall have an active registration in the System for Award Management (SAM found at in order to provide a quote and be eligible for award. Must provide their UEID/CAGE CODE with their quote. 3. Offerors shall assume that the Government has no prior knowledge of them or their capability. 4. Offerors must provide all items requested in FAR 52.212-2. Offerors who do not provide all evaluation criteria will not be accepted. Technical Approach and Capability. The Offeror's overall technical approach will be evaluated to assess the Government's level of confidence in the Offeror's understanding of, approach to, and ability to successfully perform the requirements as described in the Statement of Work. Provide a detailed description of the company's experience performing similar services. A detailed technical approach write-up describing how the Offeror will perform this service is required to be submitted with the quote regardless of whether a site visit was made or not. The technical approach write-up must not be a reiteration of the Statement of Work but how your company plans on performing the tasks listed in the attached Statement of Work. (i.e. performance checklists, anticipated number of janitors, anticipated hours at the facility and/or confirmation of supplies being provided, etc.) Past Performance. The Offeror's past performance on related contracts will be evaluated to determine, as appropriate, successful performance of contract requirements, quality and timeliness of delivery of goods and services, cost management, communications between contracting parties, proactive management and customer satisfaction. The Government will use its discretion to determine the sources of past performance information used in the evaluation, and the information may be obtained from references provided by the Offeror, the agency's knowledge of Offeror performance, other government agencies or commercial entities, or past performance databases, and will be based on responsiveness, quality, and customer services. Quote shall include at least two references for similar and relevant services including the phone number, full address, and e-mail address. Preferred candidate shall have at least 5 years experience with projects of a similar nature and complexity. Offerors lacking relevant past performance history, or for whom past performance information is either not available or has not been submitted to the Government, will receive a neutral rating for past performance. Price. The Government will evaluate the price quote for completeness and reasonableness in relation to the RFQ requirements. Quoted prices must be entirely compatible with the Non-Price Technical Solution. Each Bid must contain evidence of Bidder's and its Subcontractors qualifications and licenses to do business in the State where the Project is located or obtain such qualification prior to award of the contract. Specifications of the ATS being quoted to compare with the current system. Contactor shall provide a minimum one (1) year written warranty on parts and workmanship. (IX) FAR 52.212-2, EVALUATION- COMMERCIAL PRODUCTS AND COMMERCIAL SERVICES (Nov 2021), applies to this acquisition. Offers will be evaluated based on price and the factors set forth in paragraph (a). The evaluation will consider the Non-Price Technical Solution (Technical Approach and Past Performance) to be significantly more important than price. However, as quotes are determined to be more equal in the non-price evaluation factor, price becomes more important and may become the determining factor for award. If, at any stage of the evaluation, all Offerors are determined to have submitted equal, or virtually equal, Non-Price Technical Solutions, price could become the factor in determining which Offeror will receive the award. The Government intends to evaluate the quotes and award a purchase order based on the Offeror's initial quote; therefore, the Offeror's initial quote should contain the Offeror's best terms from a Non-Price Technical Solution and price standpoint. The Government reserves the right not to award a purchase order depending on the quality of the quote(s) submitted and the availability of funds. Furthermore, the Government may waive informalities and minor irregularities or omissions in quotes received. The Government may make award to other than the lowest-priced Offeror or the Offeror with the highest technical rating if the Contracting Officer determines that to do so would result in the best value to the Government. The Government will not make an award at a significantly higher overall price to achieve only slightly superior performance capability. The Government will award a contract resulting from this solicitation to the responsible offeror whose offer conforming to the solicitation will be most advantageous to the Government, price and other factors considered. The following factors shall be used to evaluate offers: Technical Approach and Capability. The Offeror's overall technical approach will be evaluated to assess the Government's level of confidence in the Offeror's understanding of, approach to, and ability to successfully perform the requirements as described in the Statement of Work. Provide a detailed description of the company's experience performing similar services. A detailed technical approach write-up describing how the Offeror will perform this service is required to be submitted with the quote regardless of whether a site visit was made or not. The technical approach write-up must not be a reiteration of the Statement of Work but how your company plans on performing the tasks listed in the attached Statement of Work. (i.e. performance checklists, anticipated number of janitors, anticipated hours at the facility and/or confirmation of supplies being provided, etc.) Past Performance. The Offeror's past performance on related contracts will be evaluated to determine, as appropriate, successful performance of contract requirements, quality and timeliness of delivery of goods and services, cost management, communications between contracting parties, proactive management and customer satisfaction. The Government will use its discretion to determine the sources of past performance information used in the evaluation, and the information may be obtained from references provided by the Offeror, the agency's knowledge of Offeror performance, other government agencies or commercial entities, or past performance databases, and will be based on responsiveness, quality, and customer services. Quote shall include at least two references for similar and relevant services including the phone number, full address, and e-mail address. Preferred candidate shall have at least 5 years experience with projects of a similar nature and complexity. Offerors lacking relevant past performance history, or for whom past performance information is either not available or has not been submitted to the Government, will receive a neutral rating for past performance. Price. The Government will evaluate the price quote for completeness and reasonableness in relation to the RFQ requirements. Quoted prices must be entirely compatible with the Non-Price Technical Solution. Each Bid must contain evidence of Bidder's and its Subcontractors qualifications and licenses to do business in the State where the Project is located or obtain such qualification prior to award of the contract. Specifications of the ATS being quoted to compare with the current system. Contactor shall provide a minimum one (1) year written warranty on parts and workmanship. The Government intends to award a trade-off, a single firm fixed-price purchase order on an all or none with payment terms of Net 30. (b) Options. The Government will evaluate offers for award purposes by adding the total price for all options to the total price for the basic requirement. The Government may determine that an offer is unacceptable if the option prices are significantly unbalanced. Evaluation of options shall not obligate the Government to exercise the option(s). (c) A written notice of award or acceptance of an offer, mailed or otherwise furnished to the successful offeror within the time for acceptance specified in the offer, shall result in a binding contract without further action by either party. Before the offer's specified expiration time, the Government may accept an offer (or part of an offer), whether or not there are negotiations after its receipt, unless a written notice of withdrawal is received before award. (End of provision) "THE GOVERNMENT DOES NOT ACCEPT RESPONSIBILITY FOR NON-RECEIPT OF QUOTES. IT IS THE OFFEROR'S RESPONSIBILITY TO REQUEST AND RECEIVE A CONFIRMATION OF THE QUOTE RECEIPT".




Public - Federal


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11691 SW 17th St, Miami, FL

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