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Saving Project...

Published May 27, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and paving for a mixed-use development in Gwinn, Michigan. Completed plans call for site work for a multi-residential development; and for paving for a multi-residential development.

Sawyer Area Pavement Repairs Question Deadline 05/15/2023 The County of Marquette, K.I. Sawyer Waste Water Department is seeking proposals from qualified firms to replace three locations for pavement, with one section located at the Sawyer International Airport and the remaining two sections located on the residential side of Sawyer. The Sole Point of Contact for this RFP is: Nicholas Hautamaki, K.I. Sawyer Water/Wastewater Department Supervisor 125 Avenue G Gwinn, MI 49841 Telephone: 906-346-9403 Email: nhautamaki@mqtco.org The road repairs are at three separate locations: - Location 1 Air Traffic Control Tower (ATCT) is located within the airport fenced area near the Air Traffic Control Tower, this location will require coordination with the Airport Security personnel because the location is within the Airport Operations Area. It is required for the contractor's staff to acquire security badging from the airport for the operation. The site repair is approximately 20'x 27' of bituminous pavement and is located on the access road leading to the ATCT. -Location 2 Rascal and Warhawk is located at the intersection of Rascal and Warhawk, this location is within the residential area of Sawyer with an approximate size of the repair of 15'x 20' of bituminous pavement. -Location 3 Raider and Warhawk is located at the intersection of Raider and Warhawk, this location is within the residential area of Sawyer with an approximate size of the repair of 15'x 20' of bituminous pavement. (Note: When bidding, please provide a lump sum bid, but itemize the cost of each location.) 1. The subgrade of the area slated for blacktop replacement shall have a subgrade prepared per MCRC specification. a. The current top 11 inches of fill shall be removed. b. Base shall have a maximum unit weight of at least 95 lbs/ft3 and capable of being compacted to not less than 95% of the maximum weight. c. Top 8 inches shall consist of MDOT 22A aggregate not less than 98% of max unit weight and shall be installed full width. 2. Existing bituminous edges shall be saw cut straight and the edges shall be coated with an approved bond coat before placement of the bituminous aggregate patch. 3. Bituminous patch shall be an approved MDOT Bituminous mixture placed at a uniform three (3") inches in depth in 2 layers of 1 1/2 " (165 lbs/syd) each.

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Transportation Terminals


Public - County

Paving, Site Work

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Multiple Locations, Gwinn, MI

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