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Published May 15, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Stafford Springs, Connecticut. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

Legal Notice Request for Qualifications The Housing Authority of the Town of Stafford (SHA) is seeking qualifications from a Licensed Architectural and Engineering Consulting Team (AECT) to assist SHA in all aspects of the site analysis, surveying, soil testing, septic engineering, geotechnical analysis, demolition of existing structures, and design of the third phase of their Avery Park Revitalization Initiative in Stafford Springs, CT. This project will include the potential for 50 units to replace the 40 existing units at Avery Park Apartments at the 85 West Street Location. These newly constructed 1- and 2-bedroom units will be included in a larger community style 2 -3 story building and garden style units. The community style building will also include common space and elevators. The Project will be funded through a combination of sources, including but not limited to: State of Connecticut DOH funds, Federal Low Income Housing Tax Credits (LIHTC), Federal Home Loan Bank Affordable Housing Program (AHP) funds, private mortgage financing and State of CT Housing Tax Credits. The AECT must be headed by a Licensed Architect and must include licensed engineers and experienced affordable housing development professionals with a solid track record in the design and construction of affordable housing, including the preparation of all necessary cost estimates, architectural/engineering design work, construction contract documents, public bidding, and construction oversight. The AECT will also provide professional and technical assistance so that SHA can successfully administer all the federal, state, local, and private requirements of the various funding sources. The AECT selection will be based on the following criteria:1. Head Registered Architect with a successful track record of design,construction document preparation, bidding, and construction oversight as per AIA Standards 2. Team members with a proven track record in the successful design and construction of similar developments using similar funding sources.3. Experience in project administrative areas such as labor compliance, environmental reviews, reporting and monitoring requirements, civil rights, and all other relevant areas of administration under the programs identified as funding sources.



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Service, Maintenance and Supply

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June 3, 2024


To Be Determined, Stafford Springs, CT

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