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Renovation of a municipal facility in East Fayetteville, North Carolina. Completed plans call for the renovation of a municipal facility.

As of June 29, 2023, this project has not yet been awarded. A timeline or award has not yet been established. Recycling Building Roof Repairs Cumberland county solid waste management must install a new sprinkler system in the recycling building (bailing facility) per nc fire code. Before the sprinkler system can ben installed roof repairs to the pre-engineered metal building structure must be completed. A professional engineer has evaluated the condition of the purlins and has identified those that require replacement. The building consists of seven main building frames and two end walls. The spacing of the frames was measured to be 20', with an overall building width of 8 bays of 20' each (160' total). Light gauge metal zee-purlins span on top of approximately 5'. The current purlins are spliced over each building frame by overlapping with the purlin of the next span and bolting each purlin together. The Length of overlap varies throughout the building. The minimum overlap is approximately 24" and the minimum is approximately 36". Two bolts on each side of the girder (4 bolts at each splice). Written questions shall be emailed to abader@cumberlandcountync.Gov by friday, may 12, 2023, at 12:00 pm. Vendors should enter Rfp will be awarded based on lowest, responsive, responsible bidder/best overall value method of award. The county reserves the right to make separate awards to different vendors, to not award, or to cancel this rfp in its entirety without awarding a contract, if it is considered to be most advantageous to the county to do so. Contract changes, if any, over the life of the contract shall be implemented by contract amendments agreed to in writing by the county and contractor. Vendor shall hold pricing for 180 days after bid opening. Bid price shall constitute the total cost for complete performance in accordance with the requirements and specifications herein, including all applicable charges handling, administrative and other similar fees. Contractor shall not invoice for any amounts not specifically allowed for in this ifb. The contractor will be paid net thirty (30) calendar days after the contractor's invoice is approved by the county the county may terminate this contract at any time by providing 30 days' notice in writing from the county to the contractor. If the contract is terminated by the county as provided in this section, the county shall pay for services satisfactorily completed by the contractor, less any payment or compensation previously made. The contract will be governed by north carolina law Vendor shall make repairs to the Recycling Building (Baling Facility) at 698 Ann Street which includes removal and replacement of steel purlins per specifications provided. Vendor shall verify all measurements listed in specifications to ensure that the new framing will match the existing framing at overlaps.

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June 23, 2023

July 24, 2023


698 Ann St, East Fayetteville, NC

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