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Published May 17, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

New construction and renovation of a municipal facility in Harrisville, West Virginia. Conceptual plans call for the construction of a municipal facility; and for the renovation of a municipal facility.

The selection of an architectural ngineering design firm will be for a period of up to three calendar years with annual renewal upon mutual signed agreement of both Ritchie County Board of Education and the architectural firm. The proposal must meet the minimum criteria listed herein in order to be considered. A selection committee established by the Superintendent of the Ritchie County Board of Education will evaluate all proposals submitted. II. Statement of Qualifications Qualified architectural design firms may submit a request for proposal to provide architectural ngineering design services for renovations and r new construction for district wide projects. Submitting firms must follow the instructions as provided in Section IV of this document. All firms submitting proposals will be considered and those firms considered most qualified by Ritchie County Schools will be short-listed and will be interviewed by the selection committee for further qualifications. A. General Information a. Provide a general description of the firm that is proposing to provide services. Explain the legal organization of the proposed firm. b. Provide an organization chart showing numbers and types of key personnel that will be providing design and construction phase services. c. Provide a list of sub-consultants along with their experience and qualifications. B. K-12 Design Experience a. Identify at least three comparable projects in which the firm served as architect of record for the design and construction phases of the projects. For each comparable project identified, provide the following information using the outline provided: i. Description of Project ii. Specify Services Provided iii. Design Contractual - Dates onstruction Completion Dates iv. Project Owner v. Reference Information - Names and Telephone Numbers of Contacts for each Project b. List all K-12 Projects and Design Services provided by the firm over the past five (5) years. c. Describe the experience with SBA Projects and the application of SBA Policies and Procedures. d. Describe the firm's knowledge and experience of SBA Policy and Procedures and the State Board of Education's Policy 6200 Handbook on Planning School Facilities. C. Experience of Key Personnel to be Assigned to the Project(s) a. Provide a list of all project key personnel and their specific roles. b. List key persons who are: i. Licensed Architects ii. Construction Administrators iii. Work on Similar projects and scopes iv. Experienced in the use of Building Information Modeling c. List any proposed consultants, including key staff names and the experience and qualifications of these individuals or firms. D. Project Approach and Understanding a. Discuss systems used for tracking and managing design, processing submittals and shop drawings and construction administration responsibilities. b. Describe the firm's design quality control program strategies. E. Project References Provide reference letters from previous projects from the Owner, or Owner's representative, directly responsible for oversight or the project. Describe the project and services provided for these references. Attach the reference to the request for proposal. The Review Committee will provide overall evaluations of the firm and its perceived ability to provide the services required. The Review Committee will review the individual evaluation scores and establish a consensus score for each firm. The firms with the highest consensus scores will be considered for contract negotiations. III. Submittal Requirements a. A cover letter expressing interest in providing architectural ngineering design services district-wide for the Ritchie County Board of Education. b. Request for proposal following the outline describing the content under Section II, which is a maximum of twenty (20) pages of at least twelve (12) point font to address the request (excluding cover letter and resumes but including the organizational chart). Project photos, charts and graphs will be counted toward the maximum number of pages. c. Resumes for each Key Team Member (limited to a maximum length of two pages each) and attached to the request for proposal. d. Previous project reference letters attached as an Appendix. e. West Virginia Business License egistration f. Certificate of Liability Insurance g. State of West Virginia Drug Free Workplace Conformance Affidavit (WV Code 21-1D-5) h. Completion of the West Virginia Department of Education Agreement Addendum i. Completion of the W-9 Document Must provide: one (1) original and six (6) copies of the Request for Proposal; total of six (6); on or before the time and date listed below advised that failure to comply with the above criteria will be grounds for disqualification and will be strictly enforced: Receipt of submittal after the specified cut-off date, time and place Failure to provide the minimum number of originals and r copies Failure to provide the outlined requirements in their entirety. The Ritchie County Board of Education Reserves the right to reject any and all Proposals received and decide upon the issuance of a contract award in any manner deemed.




Public - County

New Construction, Renovation

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June 3, 2024


To Be Determined, Harrisville, WV

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