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Published October 18, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a playground / park / athletic field in Yulee, Florida. Completed plans call for site work for a playground / park / athletic field.

Nassau County (hereinafter referred to as the "County") is seeking proposals from licensed, qualified, and experienced companies capable of providing sod and irrigation installation services for the soccer field at Nassau Crossing Park located at 77500 William Burgess Boulevard, Yulee, FL 32097 Contact Info Brittany Contardi 904-530-6042 bcontardi@nassaucountyfl.com Online Q&A - Yes Q&A Deadline - 10/06/2023 4:00 PM (EDT) County Responses to Questions - October 13, 2023 Evaluation Committee (Evaluate/Rank Firms) Week of October 30 - November 3 TBD Presentations (if applicable) Week of November 6 - November 10 TBD BOCC Award/Approval TBD TBD The term of the agreement, if awarded, the work shall be completed within ninety (90) calendar days from the date of contract execution by both the County and the awarded Vendor and issuance of Notice to Proceed. Nassau County reserves the right to accept or reject any and all proposals, or any item or part thereof, or to waive any informalities or irregularities in any proposals. Nassau County reserves the right to amend, withdraw or cancel this RFP at any time without prior notice and it makes no representations that any contract will be awarded to any Firm responding to this RFP. Nassau County reserves the right at its sole discretion to modify this RFP should Nassau County deem that it is in the best interests to do so. Proposals received by Nassau County are public information and will be made available to any person upon request, after the entire proposal evaluation process has been completed. Submitted proposals are not to be copyrighted. Nassau County (hereinafter referred to as the "County") is seeking proposals from licensed, qualified, and experienced companies capable of providing sod and irrigation installation services for the soccer field at Nassau Crossing Park located at 77500 William Burgess Boulevard, Yulee, FL 32097 in accordance with the terms, conditions, and scope of services contained in this Request for Proposal (RFP). Vendor shall provide a proposed mobilization and field staging, and a proposed project schedule once the County issues its notice to proceed. A2. Reclaimed water parts should be used for these services. A3. Sod and irrigation services shall include: A3.1 Supply and installation of one hundred fifty thousand (150,000) square feet of Bermuda Sod to soccer field and outer edges; A3.1.1 All turf and materials provided by the Vendor shall be fully warranted from the date of the Country's acceptance for a period of thirty (30) calendar days. A3.1.2 Sod shall meet the requirements of the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services and all applicable state laws and shall be free of noxious weeds and exotic pest plants. A2.1.3 Sod shall be a minimum of 1 1/4 inch thick inclusive of a 3/4-inchthick layer of roots and topsoil. The sod shall be live, fresh, and uninjured. It shall have a soil mat of sufficient thickness adhering firmly to the roots to withstand all necessary handling and to secure a dense stand of live turf. A3.2 Installation of additional irrigation zones shall allow for maximum coverage of newly installed sod areas. A3.2.1 Installation of additional irrigation zones may be accomplished through various methods. Two of those identified methods are: A3.2.1.1 OPTION A - Tying into the existing control panel located at the park's restroom building, as shown in Attachment "III". This would require for each zone to use decoders as it is a two-wire system; or A3.2.1.2 OPTION B - Install a new stand alone, single wire system in the soccer field footprint. Additional power shall be provided by the County based on the designated location of the new panel.

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Playgrounds / Parks / Athletic Fields


Public - County

Site Work





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October 18, 2023

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77500 William Burgess Blvd, Yulee, FL

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Nassau Crossing Park Soccer Field Sod and Irrigation Installation Services

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