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As part of this Pre-Submission Meeting, ACHD will provide a workshop to attending respondents concerning the preparation and submission of their proposals. Prospective respondents will meet via Zoom. Although participation in the Pre-Submission Meeting and Proposal Workshop is voluntary, prospective respondents are encouraged to attend as it will be the only opportunity, aside from written inquiry and/or clarification requests, to obtain important information concerning this procurement. All questions or clarifications concerning this Request for Qualifications (RFQ) or the content and requirements of the RFQ Documents must be submitted and received in writing by 4:30 pm on Wednesday, May 17, 2023. Respondents shall submit all inquiries regarding this Proposal via ACHD's eProcurement Portal. Please note the deadline for submitting inquiries. All answers to inquiries will be posted on the Ada County Highway District's e-Procurement Portal. Bidders may also click "Follow" on this Proposal to receive an email notification when answers are posted. It is the responsibility of the bidder to check the website for answers to inquiries. ACHD will respond to questions and clarification requests requiring an addendum via a Final Addendum issued to all RFQ Holders on or before 4:30 pm on Thursday, May 18, 2023. A RFQ Holders List will be posted on eProcurement portal. Summary ACHD is seeking a consultant for the preparation of the ACHD 2025 Capital Improvement Plan which includes the evaluation of roadway and intersections in Ada County, calculation of design, construction, and right-of-way cost estimates, calculation of revenue projections, conducting a sensitivity analysis of impact fee methodology, public outreach, and final documentation. ACHD is looking for the specific requirements and below: Thorough understanding of the Idaho Development Impact Fee Act Knowledge of current methodologies and best practices in the development of a capital improvement plan Experience preparing Transportation Capital Improvement Plans for municipalities comparable to ACHD Experience using the Traditional Four Steps of Transportation Model, Synchro, HCM, and SIDRA Ability to evaluate the need for multiple service areas Clear communication with ACHD staff, advisory committees, partner agencies, and ACHD governing body. Project Description ACHD is seeking a consultant for the preparation of the ACHD 2025 Capital Improvement Plan which includes the evaluation of roadway and intersections in Ada County, calculation of design, construction, and right-of-way cost estimates, calculation of revenue projections, conducting a sensitivity analysis of impact fee methodology, public outreach, and final documentation. The roadway analysis will consist of the preparation and execution of modeling scenarios that identify deficiencies in the network at selected timeframes. The roadway analysis years consist of a 2025 base year and 20 years beyond the base year, which is 2045, with increments of 5 years ranges. The intersection analysis consists of a list of approximately 100 signalized and unsignalized intersections in Ada County that will be evaluated for the PM peak hour. The intersection analysis years are the 2025 base year and 20 years beyond the base year, which is 2045. The forecasted traffic will need to be obtained from the Community Planning Association of Southwest Idaho (COMPASS)'s peak-hour travel demand model. The existing and forecast year 2045 PM peak hour intersection turning movement traffic will be developed using the Furness Method and evaluated for the following scenarios: o 2025 Base Year - existing traffic with the existing intersection lane configuration o 2045 No Build - forecasted traffic with the existing intersection lane configuration. o 2045 Build - forecasted traffic with the intersection lane configuration needed to accommodate the forecasted traffic and through lanes limited to the number of lanes in the 2045 Build model o 2045 Preservation - forecasted traffic from the 2045 Build scenario plus additional through lanes and turn lanes needed to accommodate the forecasted traffic. Approximately 60 of the 100 intersection locations will be evaluated to determine the feasibility of a roundabout. The evaluation will be limited to a planning-level intersection analysis where geometric and traffic flow parameters are assumed. The roundabout analysis methodology - HCM6 or SIDRA (WSDOT) - will be determined by ACHD. This scope of work assumes one meeting will be held at ACHD to discuss and select the preferred methodology. Cost and safety evaluations for roundabouts will not be conducted. 5.2. Data COMPASS owns and maintains the county-wide transportation model which will be used primarily for the Roadway Analysis and Sensitivity Analysis of Impact Fee Methodology tasks. ACHD owns and maintains the Synchro county-wide model that will be used for the Intersection Analysis. Traffic volumes and speed counts will be provided by ACHD, and any new or updated counts will be collected per request. 5.3. Project Tasks A. Preliminary Analysis The following analyses are to be performed prior to the completion of the initial draft. 1) Methodology Review The consultant will review ACHD's CIP methodology and data inputs and compare it to four comparable agencies Nationally, creating a technical memo overviewing best practices. 2) Service Areas The consultant will review the current county-wide service area and provide a scenario analysis of multiple service areas which includes the advantages and disadvantages and fees associated with the assumptions. The consultant will compare the service area analysis with regional and national best practices and provide recommendations through a technical addendum. 3) Emerging practices The consultant will evaluate different forecast modeling such as PM Peak and 24-Hour model used by similar jurisdictions for the CIP roadway analysis and provide a technical addendum highlighting the pros and cons of each and justification for the method used. B. Roadway Analysis The consultant will work together with ACHD and COMPASS to develop and update the model based on the established parameters for each analysis. The roadway analysis will consist of five separate analyses. The consultant will provide a summary and perform a volume/capacity analysis using the most up-to-date ACHD Policy Manual 7106.4 Traffic Impact Studies capacity tables. Following each analysis, a project team meeting will be held where the ACHD and the consultant will review the list of current deficiencies, anticipated deficiencies, assumptions, and deficiency maps. For each meeting, the consultant will prepare the materials, including the existing deficiencies table, anticipated deficiencies table, list of assumptions, deficiency maps, agenda, and minutes. Here's a brief overview of each analysis: A.1 Base Year Network (2025) To conduct the base year analysis, the model will be updated to incorporate any roadway projects completed between 2020 and 2025, as well as projects slated for completion in the ACHD Integrated Five-Year Work Plan for the base year. The model inputs will be thoroughly reviewed to ensure that traffic characteristics such as speed limits are in line with ACHD policy and assumptions. The base year model output will then be used to conduct a volume/capacity analysis, with capacity being defined according to the ACHD Policy Manual 7106.4 Traffic Impact Studies. To facilitate a coordination meeting with the project team, the consultant will prepare an existing segment deficiencies map in excel format and a list of assumptions. The list of existing segment deficiencies will adhere to the defined Congested Arterial parameters, which will encompass segments with volume over the capacity of greater or equal to 1.1 and those with volume over capacity greater or equal to 1.0 but less than 1.1. These parameters will remain consistent throughout future model analyses. A.2 Planned Year Model (2030) For the planned year model, the base year model will be updated to encompass all capital projects outlined in the ACHD Integrated Five-Year Work Plan up to the planned year. This will involve a comprehensive review of the traffic characteristics for the programmed roadways. A volume/capacity analysis will be conducted using the output data, and a list of all roadway deficiencies will be compiled in preparation for a coordination meeting with the project team. In addition, ACHD will provide a list of the roadways that will be incorporated as part of the subsequent model iteration. A.3 Five-Year Range Analysis (2035 and 2040) The consultant will prepare a similar analysis for the 2035 and 2040 network reviews. At each project team meeting, ACHD will provide a list of the roadways to be incorporated based on the deficiency list prepared by the consultant. The model will then be updated to include the chosen roadways and any prior update modifications, the adopted IFYWP, and any constraint roadways. To facilitate all project team meetings, the consultant will compile a deficiency list and a list of current assumptions. A.4 20 years beyond the base year model ACHD will provide a comprehensive list of roadway segments that must be incorporated into the final build network. The segments will be selected based on several factors, including the prepared deficiency list, priority corridors, mobility corridors, and planned roadways. The model will be updated by the consultant to include these selected roadways, in addition to any previous update modifications, the adopted IFYWP, and constraint roadways. Once the network has been updated, the consultant will conduct the CIP build and no-build network analysis. The no-build network will include the base network with the 2045 demographics. To ensure that all necessary data is collected and analyzed during this process, the consultant will prepare a detailed deficiency list and a list of current assumptions. Additionally, the consultant will categorize the total vehicle miles of travel by functional classification and provide a comprehensive list of total lane miles of congestions categorized by functional classification. This information will be critical in helping the project team to identify and prioritize roadway improvements to be made in the future and to develop a roadmap for achieving optimal traffic flow and safety for the community. C. Intersection Analysis Existing 24-hour counts and PM peak-hour traffic intersection turning movement counts will be provided by ACHD. ACHD will collect all additional PM peak hour intersection turning movement counts that may be needed. The consultant will summarize the existing PM peak hour count dates and ACHD will determine where updated or new counts are needed. The consultant will use the information collected in the roadway analysis such as PM peak hour forecasted traffic for 2045 and a map of the 2045 lanes and speeds in the travel demand model. The 2045 peak hour intersection turning movement traffic will be developed using the Furness Method which uses turning movement estimation techniques presented in NCHRP 255. Manual adjustments to the Furness output may be necessary to better represent expected future traffic trends. All signalized and unsignalized analyses will be conducted with the 2016 Highway Capacity Manual (HCM6) methodology. HCM6 or SIDRA methodology will be used for the roundabout analysis. Synchro 11 will be used to evaluate the existing and forecast year 2045 traffic operations. ACHD will provide the most current PM peak hour Synchro model. The results of each intersection will be summarized on the worksheet developed for the 2016 CIP and show the following results for the four traffic scenarios listed in the Project Description: . PM peak hour volumes . Intersection lane configurations, traffic control, and signal phasing . Supporting arterial lanes . Measures of effectiveness (MOEs) - level of service, control delay, and v/c ratio A pdf file of the draft intersection analysis worksheets plus the Synchro and SIDRA reports will be submitted to ACHD for review. Revisions will be made, and the final worksheets will be submitted within two weeks of receiving comments from ACHD. D. Traffic Impact Fees Calculation The consultant will work closely with ACHD staff to calculate the planning level cost estimate and eligible Traffic Impact Fees (TIF) associated with the Design, Right of Way, and Construction of each roadway. The consultant will assist in determining the appropriate Traffic Impact Fees (TIF) that should be assessed for new development projects that will generate additional traffic on the roadway segments. These TIF fees will help fund the roadway improvements and are based on a formula that takes into account the type and amount of development, the location of the development, and the projected traffic impacts of the development. The consultant will use their expertise to provide accurate cost and TIF estimates that align with the project's budget and goals. They will work closely with ACHD to ensure that the estimates are realistic and in line with industry standards, and they will provide recommendations for cost-saving measures where appropriate. The consultant will also keep detailed records of all costs and TIF calculations. E. Revenue Projections The consultant will work in close coordination with ACHD to calculate the estimated projected revenues for the period of 2025 - 2045. The estimated projected revenues include capital projects and maintenance and operation projects. ACHD's capital projects programs include roadway and intersection reconstruction, new construction projects, bridge replacements, widening, and bridge maintenance, safety improvements, ITS and traffic safety projects, Capital Maintenance Projects - overlays and rebuilds, Community Programs projects, cooperative projects and other projects that do not fit into previous project categories. Capital projects are funded with the use of general funds. The estimated projected revenue will need to be adjusted for inflation. The consultant will summarize the estimated projected revenues breakdown by project categorization and capital projects classification. F. Sensitivity Analysis of Impact Fee Methodology The consultant will work in close coordination with ACHD and COMPASS to calculate the NET new vehicle mile travel (VMT), calculate average trip length, and network adjustment factors. The consultant will request COMPASS to run a model run and provide output that contains the calculations. The output will be included as part of the Capital Improvement Plan report. G. Capital Improvement Plan Report The consultant will prepare one complete draft version of the Capital Improvement Plan incorporating the results of the above task and following the structure used in the 2020 adopted plan. The consultant will provide the draft plan to ACHD and the project team for review. The consultant will update the draft following the team's comments. The draft will not be considered final until the ACHD Commission has taken it under consideration for adoption. The consultant will update the final plan incorporating ACHD Commission direction during the adoption hearing. The final copy of the plan will be submitted as a Word and PDF document. All working files will be provided to ACHD.



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May 31, 2024


Multiple Locations, Garden City, ID

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