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Published May 16, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a water / sewer project in Douglasville, Georgia. Completed plans call for site work for a water / sewer project.

This solicitation is being conducted by the Georgia Department of Transportation under its authority to procure services ancillary to the construction and maintenance of a public road (as defined in O.C.G.A 32-1-3 (24) as provided for in O.C.G.A 32-2-61 (c) and (d) (1) (D). Through this Invitation to Bid (ITB) the Georgia Department of Transportation (hereinafter, "the Department or GDOT") is seeking bids and Statements of Work from the qualified firms who have been awarded a Maintenance Master Services Agreement (MMSA) under a Request for Qualified Contractors (RFQC) (GDOT's pre-qualification process) for Drainage Rehabilitation, Repair, Replacement, & Miscellaneous Maintenance Services. The awarded firm/respondent (identified by name in Table 14 below and hereinafter referred to as "Contractor") to this ITB is subject to the terms and conditions of its MMSA with GDOT, which was awarded under a RFQC or prequalification process for Drainage Rehabilitation, Repair, Replacement, & Miscellaneous Maintenance Services and is specifically incorporated herein in Table 10 below hereinafter referred to as the "MMSA"), and this document, and is cautioned to completely review the entire ITB and follow instructions carefully. General Information and Instructions regarding bid submissions are provided in the General Information and Instructions attached (Exhibit 1) and included with the ITB. Any and all bonds must be issued by a company that, at the time of issuance, is authorized by the Insurance Commissioner to transact the business of suretyship in the State of Georgia, is listed in the most current U.S. Treasury Circular No. 570, and has an A.M. Best rating of "A-" or better. Bonds given shall meet the requirements of the law of the State of Georgia including, but not limited to, O.C.G.A. 13-10-1 and 32-2-70 et seq. AIA (The American Institute of Architects) forms for any type of bonds are NOT acceptable. All bonds must be returned using the bond forms found in Appendices 6 and 7. A Performance Bond and a Payment Bond each equal to 100% of the Award Price, must be provided by the successful Bidder. The Department reserves the right to modify existing provisions or include additional provisions, which are not currently addressed herein and further reserves the right to reject any or all bids and/or Statements of Work, and to waive technicalities and informalities at its discretion. The entire ITB Bid Form Tables 1 - 15) must be completed in its entirety, signed by the Contractor's personnel with the authority to obligate the Contractor and attached to the sourcing event with bid response. Failure to upload the entire ITB Bid Form (Tables 1 - 15) electronically in Team Georgia Marketplace will deem the vendor as non-responsive and disqualify them from the event. Original Hard copies of the complete, attached ITB Bid Form with original signatures and seals. (Failure to return the complete, attached ITB form within the specified time frame may be considered as non-responsive and can result in the rejection of the bid. Any award(s) resulting from this ITB will be made to the lowest, responsive and responsible Contractor meeting all specifications. The Department reserves the right to select one or more suppliers for award and to award all items to one or more suppliers, individual line items to one or more suppliers, or subcategories of products/services to one or more suppliers when to do so is in the best interests of the State of Georgia. Work under this ITB consists of furnishing all labor, materials, tools, equipment, means of transportation, and incidentals necessary to perform the services. Contractor must furnish equipment in good operating condition and operated by properly trained and qualified personnel. Deadline for Written Questions from Contractors 5/15/2023 2:00 PM Responses to Written Questions to Contractors 5/17/2023 5:00 PM Prework Meeting (Mandatory) Within 10 Working Days After the NOA is issued Work must begin no later than: 30 Days After Prework Meeting Work must be completed no later than: 150 Days After Prework Meeting The Contractor will not be permitted to commence any work prior to the Department acceptance of insurance coverage. Failure to retain insurance for the term of the performance of the Services will result in a cease of work and may grounds for termination.


Water / Sewer


Public - State/Provincial

Site Work

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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May 24, 2023

June 26, 2023


GA-166, Douglasville, GA

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