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Published June 27, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Greater Sudbury, Ontario. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

The intent of the project is to renew Electrical Service at the Air Ambulance Hangar (B24629) in Garson, ON. The intent of this project is to complete the following work: 1) Main switchboard (DP-1) maintenance and fuse replacement, including the cleaning of the terminations of the main incoming service entrance cables; 2) Panel board replacements: PP-1 - panelboard replacement including replacement of main feeder cabling and re-labeling of wiring; LP-A - replace panel and install new properly sized feeder, label wiring and replace main and branch circuit breakers; A-2 - label wiring; LPP-PP2 - panelboard replacement and feeder cabling replacement and supply neutral connection to ground inside of panel, correct doubling up of wires on branch circuit breakers; 3) Surge protection at the service entrance. 4) Equipment shall be labelled with lamacoid nameplate. All work should meet appropriate codes, standards, and IO guidelines. This worksite operates 24 hours per day, 7 days a week. The power disruptions are to be scheduled during regular office hours between 6:30 am and 3:00 pm Monday to Friday when the manager is likely to be on site. The power is to be restored to all equipment and devices when the contractor is off site, and the contractor is to leave the site clean and without any obstructions that would impact normal operations. Power interruptions are to be kept to a minimum. All power outages require the contractor to prepare a CRQ-MOP to be submitted 25 days prior to the planed outage. This document is a detailed job procedure indicating the start and duration of the outage as well as a Method of Procedure. Each power outage is to be approved by the owner prior to proceeding with the work. The ORNGE Hangar is a 7 day per week operation, and so day shift on weekends will not be available for work. The contactor shall provide a generator, or generators to ensure that the facility can maintain operation both maintenance and administrative. Power interruptions shall take place during regular hours (see above) the following items are required to be provided with emergency power. flight crew and maintenance crew LUNCHROOM & change rooms, main hanger lighting, equipment used for maintenance such as the Aircraft shore power unit, and the hydraulic power pack, and the trailer, hangar doors, administration lighting & receptacles for office generator while the utility power is disrupted. All temporary cables are to be installed in such a way that they do not create a hazard. Temporary wiring for administration can be provided through a parallel system using cab tire cords, and temporary lighting that will be removed upon completion of the job. All power outages are to be coordinated with the owner and an MOP and CRQ are to be submitted for approval 30 days in advance. Power to critical items mentioned above shall not exceed 30 minutes while switching from normal to contractor provide temporary power. **Official bid documents must be obtained from www.merx.com and bid submissions must be done through the Merx platform.**


Transportation Terminals

Public - State/Provincial

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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June 1, 2023

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Multiple Locations, Greater Sudbury, ON

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