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Published June 7, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Walnut Creek, California. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

The City of Walnut Creek, located in the east San Francisco Bay Area, is a city of approximately 70,000 residents and is a retail, cultural, and recreational destination for people throughout the Bay Area. The City owns and operates an Aquatic Facility and a Community Center in Heather Farm Park. Both facilities were constructed in the early 1970s and are past their useful life. The City hired RRM Landscape Architects and Noll & Tam architects to prepare a conceptual site plan for the replacement of these facilities. The proposed project site is within Heather Farm Park and will occupy the site where the existing Community Center is located. The site plan was presented to the public at the February 7, 2023 City Council Meeting. The conceptual site plan encompasses a 4.7-acre site that includes a combined community center and aquatic facility with several multi-purpose rooms and classrooms, outdoor event terraces, a 50-meter lap pool, a recreational pool and pool mechanical building. The total building square footage for the facility is currently estimated to be between 25,000 and 27,000 square feet. The City has hired a Project Manager and is in the process of hiring a CEQA consultant and a Design/Architect Consultant. The successful Geotechnical Consultant will work closely with these other team members. SCOPE OF SERVICES The purpose of the geotechnical investigation will be to provide design-level, geotechnical recommendations for the project as presently proposed. The investigation will include a field exploration program, geotechnical laboratory testing, engineering analysis, and report preparation, based on the following scope of services: o Review geologic maps and geotechnical reports to aid in evaluating if geologic hazards are present at or near the site. 2 o Review available design/location as-built plans to select exploration locations. o Perform a site reconnaissance to review project limits, confirm equipment access and mark out exploration locations for subsequent utility clearance. o Notify subscribing utility companies via Underground Service Alert (USA) a minimum of 72 hours (as required by law) prior to performing soil borings at the site. o Retain the services of a private utility locator to aid in delineating underground utilities in the vicinity of the planned soil borings. A private utility locator can generally detect electronically conductive utilities such as metal pipes and utilities accompanied by a tracer wire but non-electronically conductive or non-magnetic utilities such as clay or transite pipe may benon-detectable. o Engage a dedicated concrete coring subcontractor to core pond concrete deck or other concrete flatwork at boring locations where limited access drilling equipment will be used. o Retain the services of a California C57-licensed drilling subcontractor to perform exploratory borings with a conventional truck-mounted rig and portable, limitedaccess drilling equipment. o Obtain a soil boring permit from Contra Costa County and pay the requisite fees if necessary. o Perform ten to twelve hollow- and/or solid-stem auger borings to maximum depths of approximately 20 feet or less to observe and sample the prevailing soils conditions. Anticipate performing five to seven borings with a truck-mounted drill rig and four to five borings with limited access drilling equipment. o Obtain representative soil samples from the exploratory borings and provide laboratory examination and testing. o Log the soils encountered in the borings in accordance with the Unified Soil Classification System. Upon completion, the borings will be backfilled with in accordance with permit requirements. Excess soil cuttings will be removed for offsite disposal by the drilling contractor. Borings in pavement areas will be capped with cold patch asphalt or quickset concrete dyed black. Borings in pond deck areas will be capped with quick- set concrete. o Perform laboratory tests on selected samples to evaluate pertinent geotechnical parameters. Laboratory testing assignments will be based on the soils conditions encountered in field exploration; testing for shear strength, gradation, in-situ dry density and moisture content, plasticity, and expansion potential may be performed. In addition, three soil samples will be submitted to our laboratory for screening-level corrosion testing. o Prepare a report with conclusions and recommendations for project design and construction. The report will include (but not be limited to) the following: o Site vicinity map 3 o Site plan showing the locations of the exploratory borings. o Logs of the exploratory borings, including depth to groundwater (if encountered) o Laboratory test results o Seismic hazard analysis o Anticipated excavation characteristics o Site grading and subgrade preparation recommendations, including recommendations for the planned pools and surrounding pool decks o Suitability of onsite materials for use as engineered fill and import fill recommendations. o Utility trench excavation and backfill recommendations. o Recommended foundation type(s) and associated design parameters for the proposed new aquatics center building and anticipated shade structures and retaining walls. o Settlement estimates o Lateral earth pressure parameters for the design of foundations and retainingwalls. o Seismic design criteria (2019 California Building Code) o Exterior concrete flatwork recommendations o Recommendations for rigid and flexible pavements Submit a draft report for your review followed by one electronic copy (PDF format) of final report.


Playgrounds / Parks / Athletic Fields

Public - City

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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July 1, 2023


301 N San Carlos Dr, Walnut Creek, CA

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