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Published June 7, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a water / sewer project in North Little Rock, Arkansas. Completed plans call for site work for a water / sewer project.

The Supplier’s responsibilities consist of furnishing equipment and services for a complete MBR wastewater treatment system as identified in this section. The Santa Clara Creek WRRF will be built in multiple phases. This RFP is for the supply of MBR equipment and services for Phase 1 only. The Phase 1 design of the MBR system shall include provisions to facilitate the expansion to Phase. The Phase 1 project will include the construction of concrete basins for three bioreactor treatment trains (herein referred to as reactors), using common wall construction. At the end of the three reactors, a minimum of four MBR basins shall be constructed. In Phase 1, two reactors shall be outfitted for MBR operations while the third reactor remains empty to act as an equalization basin. Additionally, three MBR basins shall be outfitted with MBR units (membranes), with some spare space in each MBR basin for future MBR units’ installation. The fourth MBR basin will remain empty.The selected Supplier will be responsible for furnishing all equipment and services required for the Phase 1 MBR treatment system. This does not include installation, concrete, electrical wiring and conduits, liquid piping, air piping, or basic manual gates. The Supplier is responsible to provide instrumentation, specialty valves and motorized actuators, control panels, and programming with their system. Additionally, the Supplier is responsible to provide in-basin permeate piping, air piping, and related equipment, hardware, and supports. The Supplier is also responsible for assisting the General Contractor with any questions and incompatibilities that arise during installation of supplied equipment. The Supplier is responsible for overseeing the initial installation of equipment and all testing and start-up procedures, including but not limited to training Owner’s operations staff on the proper operation and maintenance of the equipment and providing O&M manuals for all equipment supplied.


Water / Sewer


Public - City

Site Work





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June 6, 2023

July 7, 2023


Multiple Locations, North Little Rock, AR

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