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Published May 16, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Lake Forest Park, Washington. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

The City of Lake Forest Park is seeking a statement of qualifications (RFQ) from qualified firms interested in providing professional long-range planning services for the 2024 periodic update of the City's Comprehensive Plan. The City of Lake Forest Park is preparing for its 2024 Comprehensive Plan periodic update and is looking for an experienced consultant team to lead and guide the City through the update process. The consultant team will be asked to: help the City clearly define the project scope; create detailed project work plans for project phases; identify gaps in the City's existing planning and policy documents using the Washington Department of Commerce (DOC) and Puget Sound Regional Council (PSRC) checklists; conduct community outreach and engagement efforts; work with City Council to define a clear direction and vision for the 2024 Comprehensive Plan; coordinate with multiple city departments, partner agencies, and stakeholder groups; and complete the 2024 Comprehensive Plan update and associated development regulations by the state-mandated deadline. This plan is intended to provide elected and appointed officials, city staff, city residents, and the business and development community with a comprehensive, consistent, and culturally relevant plan to guide the City's decision-making and development over the next 20 years, through the year 2044. The City has budgeted $160,000 for professional services related to the update and has received a Department of Commerce grant for $125,000 in additional funds to cover consultant costs for the project. Consultant questions due May 22, 2023. Questions may be referred to Steve Bennett, Planning Director, via email: sbennett@cityoflfp.gov. Please place "Periodic Update of the City of Lake Forest Park Comprehensive Plan" in the subject line. Backup contact person: Nick Holland, Senior Planner, nholland@cityoflfp.gov. Question Deadline 05/22/2023 Questions may be referred to Steve Bennett, Planning Director via email (sbennett@cityoflfp.gov). The items below summarize a potential scope of work based on the Planning Department's understanding of City Council and Planning Commission priorities and areas of deficiency in the 2015 Comprehensive Plan. The City is not seeking a detailed scope and budget from consultants at this time. o Coordinate and support a robust public participation process for this periodic update that meets the requirements of RCW 36.70A.035. Prepare and produce high quality public outreach materials graphically and in writing describing facts, findings, analysis, and alternatives for public meetings, open houses, online surveys, and a webpage. Outreach materials include a report card on how the City has done in implementing the 2015 Comprehensive Plan. o Prepare presentations and supporting materials to present alongside city staff at public hearings, meetings, workshops, and public events (such as the farmer's market). The purpose of meetings could include providing an overview of the update process, presenting progress updates, or engaging with citizens, stakeholders, elected officials, commission members, or staff to receive comments and guidance relevant to the update. o Review the existing Comprehensive Plan text and maps, and all related planning documents developed and utilized by the City of Lake Forest Park. Prepare a gap analysis report and complete the Department of Commerce periodic update checklists and the PSRC checklist summarizing Lake Forest Park's existing Comprehensive Plan consistency with the requirements of GMA, with PSRC Vision 2050, and the King County Countywide Planning Policies. o Facilitate two review touches by Planning Commission of the proposed updates to each comprehensive plan element and an additional review of compiled draft comprehensive plan update. o Update the elements and appendices to reflect the past changes and future trends and desired outcomes of the community, ensuring internal consistency with other adopted plans, external consistency with Countywide and Regional goals, and eliminate unnecessary redundancies: o Introduction/Vision - Review, update, and revise as necessary and incorporate existing plan documents. o Land Use Element - update as necessary, including the land use capacity analysis and growth projections to ensure relevance of existing policies and recommend new policies if gaps are identified. Review, update, and revise as necessary to address existing planning documents including Town Center planning documents and regulatory criteria. o Environmental Quality and Shorelines Element - Review, update, and revise as necessary and address existing plan documents. Coordinate with Climate Action Committee to ensure consistency with the Committee's Climate Action Plan initiative. o Housing Element - Prepare a housing needs assessment (HNA) addressing housing needs in the City based on the forecasted growth, existing housing stock and land use assumptions. HNA will include a plan for accommodating the projected growth through the planning horizon, including housing needs for people across all income levels. Update element to be consistent with the HNA, any new requirements from the Department of Commerce, as well as any new requirements in the Countywide Planning Policies. o Economic Development - Review, update, and revise as necessary and address existing plan documents including Town Center planning and regulatory documents. o Community Services & Public Safety Element - Review, update and revise as necessary with input from Police Department. o Capital Facilities Element - Review, update, and revise as necessary, with input from Public Works Department staff. o Parks, Trails, & Open Space Element - Work with Public Works department staff and Parks and Recreation Advisory Board to update this element to ensure continuity with Parks, Recreation, Open Space, and Trails (PROST) Plan and concurrent planning initiatives related to the Lakefront Park property. o Utilities Element - Review current plans to determine consistency and recommend changes to ensure consistency with other plan elements while paying attention to potential growth and infrastructure needs. Consider potential utility investment and carrying capacity in the context of revised housing goals. o Transportation Element - Review, update, and revise as necessary to be consistent with Safe Highway and Safe Streets planning initiatives and with input from Public Works Department staff. o Appendices - Review, update, and revise as needed. o Review land use and critical areas regulations and draft a memo addressing recommended and required changes necessary to be consistent with comprehensive plan policies, Department of Ecology requirements, and Department of Commerce guidance. o Present final draft and related reports to the Planning Commission and facilitate City Council review and adoption of Planning Commission's recommended draft.


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June 5, 2024


Multiple Locations, Lake Forest Park, WA

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RFQ - Periodic Update of the City of Lake Forest Park Comprehensive Plan

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