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Published May 30, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

If you need more information on this event, please contact: Tami Concha +1 505-660-3671 tami.concha@gsd.nm.gov Specifications: The State of New Mexico wishes to establish a Statewide Price Agreement for performing preventive maintenance, mechanical repairs, parts procurement, component/attachment repairs, materials and/or labor on highway and off road heavy equipment and trucks over 19,000 pounds GVWR. (Automotive, passenger or light trucks excluded) This price agreement shall be established as a source and convenience to the User Agencies. It is the responsibility of the user to utilize this Price Agreement in the best interest of the State of New Mexico. Therefore multiple awards shall be made to serve the best interests of the user agency(ies) and to serve all geographical locations in the state. This agreement authorizes the procurement of all repairs, parts, materials and/or labor that are necessary for the repair and maintenance of highway and off road heavy equipment and trucks. The awarded vendor shall comply with all of the terms and conditions contained herein and shall hereby made part of this Price Agreement. The submission of a bid shall be considered as prima facie evidence that the bidder has familiarized themselves with and understands the conditions under which this price agreement shall be performed. No letter or stipulation submitted with a bid shall alter the terms and conditions of this agreement. Notwithstanding the existence of this price agreement, the State of New Mexico and/or its political sub-divisions reserve the right to order any items(s) required for emergency purpose from any party who can deliver such item(s) to meet the requirements of the Agency, without waiving or voiding any of the terms of this agreement. Term:The term of this Price Agreement shall be for one (1) year from date of award with the option to extend for a period (s) of three (3) additional years, on a year-by-year basis, by mutual agreement of all parties and approval of the New Mexico State Purchasing Director at the same price, terms and conditions. This Price Agreement shall not exceed four (4) years. Escalation/De-escalation Clause:In the event of a product cost increase, an escalation request will be reviewed by this office and approved by State Purchasing on an individual basis. Please be aware this measure is not intended to allow any increase in profit margin, only to compensate for an actual cost increase. Price decreases as well shall apply. If the vendors prices are reduced for any reason, users shall receive the benefit of such reductions. Price increases and/or decreases will not be retroactive to orders already in-house or back-ordered. Orders will be filled at the price in effect of the date of the receipt of the order by the awarded vendor. All requests for price increases must include the following information from the vendor: 1) Agreement Item Number 2) Current Item Price 3) Proposed New Price 4) Percentage of Increase 5) Mill/Supplier Notification of price increase indicating percentage of increase including reason for increase For escalations, awarded vendor must also supply a current Letter from the Manufacture addressed to the vendor. The letter must state that they are increasing the price from the factory to the vendor, as well as the reason for the increase. For a price decrease, a letter from the vendor will be sufficient. Final determination on the approval or disapproval of the escalation or decrease request will be made by SPD. Multiple Awards: Pursuant to the Procurement Code, Sections 13-1-153 and 13-1-154, the State reserves the right to issue multiple awards to obtain the items listed. Multiple awards are recommended to ensure availability and timely delivery. Awards will be made to meet the best interests of the State of New Mexico. Quantities Service: The Contractor will be contacted on an as needed, on-call basis to perform work associated with this Price Agreement. A Price Agreement award is without assurance of quantity or dollar amount of work: the State does not guarantee any amount of work. Failure to respond to the States requests may be grounds for termination of this Price Agreement. Payment Methods:Each unit repaired/serviced shall be identified and referenced in the invoice by: Fixed asset number (fa) visible on each unit in large black font (if applicable) Serial/VIN number Make/model, beginning/ending mileage and/or hours One invoice per unit repaired unless otherwise requested. Tax Note: Gross receipts tax applies to labor only. Tax shall not be applied to parts or materials furnished. Price shall not include state gross receipts or local tax. Tax shall be added to the invoice at current rates as a separate item to be paid by users. Prices listed herein represent the total compensation to be paid by the state for goods and/or services provided. It is understood that the party providing said goods and/or services to the State is responsible for payment of all costs of labor, insurances, equipment, tools, materials, federal tax, permits, licenses, fees and any other items necessary to complete the work provided. The prices listed herein shall include an amount sufficient to cover such costs. Warranties: All installed components and parts shall be covered under the standard manufacturers warranty. Delivery: Delivery of parts/components shall be F.O.B. vendors place of business user Agency locations or district locations within the state of New Mexico. Bidding Information: The conditions and specifications set out in the invitation to bid are inseparable and indivisible. Any Vendor, by submitting a bid, agrees to be bound by all such conditions and/or specifications. All conditions and specifications in the invitation to bid, and all other documents required to be submitted, shall be submitted by the Vendor in their bid package. Failure to do so or any attempt to vary or change the conditions or specifications of the invitation to bid shall, at the discretion of the State of New Mexico, constitute grounds for rejection of the entire bid. Materials/Equipment: Highway and off road heavy equipment shall be defined as: Trucks over 19,000 lbs. GVWR on and off highway type as well as all components and attachments On and off highway, construction, maintenance and repair type tools and equipment. This will include fixed and mobile units as well as all components and attachments. Minimum Requirements: Each bid will include the Bidders percentage discount from published list prices on parts. Bidder must include all rates as requested in Items List of this solicitation. Additional items added by Bidders are prohibited and will not be accepted, evaluated or awarded. Parts shall be billed at the discounted percentage price offered by the Vendor. Cost for parts, supplies and materials shall be itemized and priced separately on each invoice. Quotes and invoices shall indicate the list price and the discounted price for parts. Any additional costs associated with freight and handling charges for parts will be indicated on quotes and invoices as well, and will require prior authorization from the procuring entity. All successfully awarded vendors(s) must ensure prior to any work being performed, be professionally diagnosed. Repairs and/or adjustments shall be performed only by factory trained and/or certified technicians/welders. All repairs shall be completed within fifteen (15) working days after receipt of unit(s). This period may be extended at the users option and such extension shall be documented in writing. In the event of failure to perform repairs within fifteen (15) working days and failure to receive approval for time extension, the bidder may be penalized for late repair charges of $25.00 per unit per day. All repairs shall be performed at the Vendors place of business or other facility of his/her choice. Delivery of unit(s) for repair and all costs associated therewith shall be the Agencies responsibility. Vendors bidding are cautioned, they must inform and ensure the Agency of their capability to provide the services they are offering. Vendors lacking the above may have their bid rejected or contract cancelled. The Agencies reserve the right to inspect and return any or all part(s), accessory(ies), assembly(ies), or sub-assembly(ies) replaced or repaired equipment. Parts and materials must be new and conform to the original manufacturers specifications, unless otherwise approved by the Agency. Rebuilt assemblies must have prior approval in order to be used in the repair of equipment from the ordering Agency. With approval, the standard industry practice and the rebuilt assembly or sub-assembly shall carry the same warranty by the manufacturer or re-manufacturer as a new assembly or subassembly. Any part(s) removed during the rebuild or repair of equipment are the property of the state and shall be returned upon Agency request, unless a replacement part price is predicated upon an exchange basis with the part replaced. Awarded vendor(s) shall be required to provide an itemized list of all parts and labor hour costs as part of an estimate for the needed repairs. Such an estimate shall be provided at no charge if it can be performed without excessive teardown time. Estimates which require teardown must have prior authorization (purchasing document) to commencing teardown. Awarded vendor(s) shall maintain detailed, complete and accurate accounting records on all repair work orders. When applicable, all labor charges on the invoice shall be broken down to indicate the number of hours consumed in performing specific repair tasks. All costs for repairs or parts for work authorized will be paid in full. For chargers other than the approved work will not be compensated. It is the Vendors responsibility to receive approval from the Agency, for all equipment/parts/repairs. Any repair or servicing, which requires fluid (motor oil, coolant, transmission, hydraulic, differential) draining/replacement must be replaced with new OEM equivalent. Reusing used fluids is prohibited.



Public - State/Provincial

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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Multiple Locations, Santa Fe, NM

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