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Published June 26, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of an educational facility in Scituate, Massachusetts. Completed plans call for the renovation of a educational facility.

Required for DCAMM contracts over $150,000, Highway Division contracts over $50,000. Roof Replacement Project to the Jenkins Elementary School - 54 Vinal Avenue Scituate, MA The estimated construction cost of this Project is $860,000. General Bidders are to be DCAMM certified in Roofing. The Roofing Contractor shall be the General Contractor. The project scope consists of roof replacement at the Jenkins Elementary School located at 54 Vinal Avenue, Scituate, MA. The general scope of the construction work is briefly described as follows: 1. Replacement of steep-sloped shingle roofing; total of 36,224+- SF. The work includes the removal of the existing architectural shingles, nailboard sheathing (1/2" +- thickness), and rigid insulation (3" +- thickness) down to the existing steel roof decking. The new roof system shall include installation of a 1/2" layer of plywood over polyisocyanurate insulation (minimum R-value 30) (mechanically attached to the steel roof decking), installation of a continuous layer of self-adhering waterproofing membrane to the 1/2" plywood overlay, and installation of commercial architectural asphalt shingles complete with new metal flashings. The existing soffit ventilation system is to remain and be reused. 2. Replacement of metal drip edges (eaves and rake edges), and gutters. The existing downspouts are to remain and be reused. Downspouts shall be removed and replaced where damaged. The existing metal fascia at rakes and eaves of shingle areas is to remain. New cleanouts will be installed at ground level to allow access for the cleaning of the underground drainage system. 3. Remove and replace existing snow guards (profile and configuration to match existing). 4. Water jet the underground drainage system 100 lineal feet at the beginning of the job and snake the underground drainage system again at the end of the job. 5. Remove and replace reglet sealant joint(s), step flashing, vertical control joints, sealant around louvers. Sealant will also be removed and replaced around perimeter of elevator vent window frame. 6. Replacement of low sloped EPDM roof system, total of 390+- SF at (6) six louver shafts. The existing low sloped roofing systems shall be completely removed and replaced utilizing a "tear-off" application with a new 60-mil adhered EPDM roof membrane system. The Contractor shall be responsible for the installation of new polyisocyanurate insulation (minimum R-value 30) (mechanically attached to the steel roof decking). 7. The existing standing seam wall panels and louvers at the six (6) louver shafts will be removed and replaced. Work will include the installation of a new self-adhered air/vapor barrier over the existing wall sheathing. New aluminum standing seam wall panels will be installed over the selfadhered air/vapor barrier followed by the installation of storm-resistant louvers. Work commence the construction work on June 26, 2023, with final completion shall occur on or before August 22, 2023




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May 24, 2023

June 26, 2023


54 Vinal Ave, Scituate, MA

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