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Published June 9, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a residential development in Smithfield, North Carolina. Completed plans call for the renovation of a residential development.

2018 CDBG-Neighborhood Revitalization Project Program has received a $750,000 grant that includes housing rehabilitation activities. The Town of Smithfield on behalf of Property Owners will receive sealed bids on or before Date: 05/22/2023 Time: 1:00 PM For reconstruction to be performed at the following addresses: 714 East Street 907 Second Avenue Contracts were previously awarded for these properties: 714 East Street - $120,000; and 704 Second Avenue - $153,600. These contracts have been canceled with the Town requesting new bids. Footing work was performed at 714 East Street under the prior contract. No construction occurred at 704 Second Avenue. The Town has contracted with Skip Green and Associates, Inc., to administer the CDBG project. Interested contractors should contact Skip Green, Project Administrator, (919) 763-0925 to obtain inpidual bid packets. The bid packet includes a qualification statement that must be included with bid that confirms that the contractor has: (1) previous experience in major structural repairs on existing structures; and (2) a general construction license and electrical, plumbing and HVAC work performed by an appropriately licensed contractor or sub-contractor. Contractors must also have the following levels of insurance: (1) Worker's Compensation Insurance for all employees and subcontractors, in accordance with state Worker's Compensation Laws; and (2) Comprehensive General Liability coverage of $1,000,000 per occurrence; Bodily Injury Liability of $500,000 per occurrence; and Property Damage Liability of $500,000 per occurrence. The award of a contract will be subject to the review and approval of the contractor's qualification statement The Town of Smithfield reserves the right to reject any and all bids. A CDBG grant condition calls for all rehabilitation activities to be completed by 09/31/2023. The contractor must comply with local and federal labor standards where applicable. To help meet this schedule, if a contractor submits multiple low bids the Town reserves the right to limit the number of contracts a contractor receives to a single contract. Actual on-site construction must occur within twenty-one (21) calendar days of the TOWN'S issuance of a notice to proceed. The Town of Smithfield solicits bids from contractors without regard to race, color, creed or national origin. This notice is available in Spanish or any other language upon request. bid result ' Project 1 Bid - Carolina Bay Construction & Maintenance LLC - 154459 Project 2 Bid - ABC Supply - 135200

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Residential Subdivision


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Multiple Locations, Smithfield, NC

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