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Published August 14, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a transportation facility in Waynesboro, Georgia. Completed plans call for the renovation of a transportation facility.

Burke County Board of Commissioners will receive separate sealed bids for the Hangar Buildings Development Project located at the Burke County Airport, Waynesboro, Georgia. Written questions will be accepted via email until Tuesday, June 6, 2023, at 5:00 pm EDT. Address questions to the Office of the Engineer: Olha Karikh, CM, Project Manager MaesAwyr, LLC Email: hey@maesawyr.com Hangar Buildings Development Project includes development of one 10-unit nested T-hangar (approx. 55'x232') adjacent to the east edge of the existing aircraft apron as a Base Bid, an additional 10-unit nested T-hangar (approx. 55'x232') as Additive Bid Option 1, and separate shade hangars (up to three units approx. 60'x60') as Additive Bid Option 2 or separate box hangars (up to three units 60' x 60', with bi-fold electric/motorized door) as Additive Bid Option 3. The scope of work includes contractor development of building plans and specification documentsfor pre-engineered metal building solutions which meet or exceed the project requirements as defined in the project documents (construction plans and specifications). The project will include forming/pouring concrete foundation, furnishing and erecting buildings, making all utility connections (powerservice with Planters EMC), and completing all ancillary activities, including building insulation, interior and exterior lighting, and interior electrical, including motorized bi-fold hangar doors. Bidding and Contract Documents, are available. Neither the Owner nor Engineer will be responsible for full or partial sets of Bidding Documents, including Addenda if any, obtained from other sources. No Bid will be considered unless accompanied by a certified check or acceptable Bid Bond in an amount not less than five percent (5%) of the bid and made payable to Burke County Board of Commissioners. The project includes the development of one 10-unit nested T-hangar as a Base Bid, an additional 10-unit nested T-hangar as Additive Bid 1, and three separate shed hangars as Additive Bid 2,3, and 4. The scope of work includes developing building plans and specification documents for pre-engineered metal building(s), concrete foundation(s), furnishing and erecting building(s), making all utility connections, and completing all ancillary activities, including motorized bi-fold hangar doors. An 8.5% DBE participation goal is recommended for this project, and bidders are encouraged to include DBE firms in their teams. The Burke County Board of Commissioners reserves the right to waive any informalities or irregularities in or reject any or all bids and to award or refrain from awarding the contract for the work, whichever is deemed to be in the Owners best interest.


Transportation Terminals


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June 13, 2023

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475 Airport Rd, Waynesboro, GA

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