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Published September 20, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and paving for a mixed-use development in Janesville, Wisconsin. Completed plans call for site work for a transportation facility; for paving for a transportation facility; water / sewer project; and water / sewer project.

Electronic Bid submittal: Bids must be submitted via the bidexpress.com bidding service. No paper bids will be accepted. Bids will not be accepted past the established deadline for the close of bids. Description of work: Base Bid: Construct Taxiway H Alternate 1: Construct Proposed Taxilane #2 Alternate 2: Construct Sanitary Sewer Utilities Estimate of major quantities: Base Bid: Common Excavation, 27,500 C.Y.; Subbase Course A69K Gradation No. 1, 2,200 C.Y.; Crushed Aggregate Base Course, A60K, 1,800 Ton; HMA Pavement, Gradation 2, 58-28 H; 960 Ton; Painting Waterborne Type 1, 1,150 S.F.; Reflective Media Type Gradation A, 60 LBS; Geotextile Fabric, Type SAS, 4,600 S.Y.; Various Culvert Pipe Reinforced Concrete, 3,546 L.F.; Manhole, 6 Each; Salvaged Topsoil, 31,000 S.Y.; Hydro Mulch, 31,000 S.Y.; 5000 Volt Cable No. 8, 3,500 L.F.; Bar Counterpoise Wire No. 8, 3,400 L.F.; Electrical Duct Type-II, 2-Inch, 1-Way, 3,350 L.F.; Medium Intensity Taxiway Light, L-861T LED, Base Mounted, 28 Each; Retroreflective Marker, L-853, Type 2, 12 Each; Guidance Sign, 3 Each; 4-Foot Diameter Sanitary Manhole, 3 Each; Sanitary Sewer Pipe and Fittings, 823 L.F.; Watermain Valve Box, 8 Each; Water Valves, 8 Each; Water Pipe and Fitting Various Size, 1,558 L.F.; Alternate 1: Common Excavation, 21,000 C.Y.; HMA Pavement, Gradation 2, 58-28 H; 1,160 Ton; Painting Waterborne Type 1, 510 S.F.; Reflective Media Type Gradation A, 31 LBS; Geotextile Fabric, Type SAS, 5,400 S.Y.; Seeding Mixture No. 20; 450 LB; Salvaged Topsoil, 16,500 S.Y.; Hydro Mulch, 16,500 S.Y.; Retroreflective Marker, L-853, Type 2, 25 Each Alternate 2: 4-Foot Diameter Sanitary Manhole, 2 Each; Sanitary Sewer Pipe and Fittings, 801 L.F. DBE Goal: 4.25% Contract Completion Time: See Special Provision No. 3 Proposal ELECTRONIC Submittal: This contract is being electronically bid. The bid template within BidExpress.com platform established for the project includes all elements required to be submitted with the contract. Required fields are established within the template. Automatic checking of the bid proposal will identify if any required fields are missing and alert the bidder to complete the missing information prior to final submission. Submission of an incomplete bid will result in the bid not being opened, and/or rejected as non-responsive. Plan holder registration required: Plans and specifications are available to anyone after completing a simple registration. There is NO cost to obtain a registration. Registration is required to be recorded as a plan holder. Registered plan holders will be notified of important project information such as issuance of addendums or other critical information. Only the prime or general contractor selecting to submit a bid is required to obtain additional Digital ID credentials. Please see the BOA website notice 2 for information on how to register. IMPORTANT: A paper hard copy prequalification is required to be submitted PRIOR to the bid opening. The proper prequalification form must be sent to the DOT to establish prequalification and remain valid prior to the deadline for prequalification indicated below. Prequalification's submitted after the deadline will be processed but a bid from that firm will not be opened for any project where the deadline has been exceeded. The following prequalification is required for this contract: The Bureau of Project Development "Prequalification Statement" (AKA: "Highways") will apply. The proper forms can be found online. Bid proposals will be opened only from those firms that have established their qualifications for the work being bid upon. If a prospective bidder has previously submitted hold a current and valid (not expired or revoked), proper statement and received prior approval from the department, a re-submittal for this project is not required. Any prospective bidder who has not previously established their qualifications must file a pre-qualification statement on the proper forms and be received by the department no later than 12:00 noon, local time, Friday, May 26, 2023. Only prime or general contractors submitting the bid need to be prequalified; subcontractors do not need to be prequalified. Proposal guaranty: A bid security in the amount of 5% of the total amount of the bid is required for the contract. Each proposal must be accompanied by a bid bond, certificate of annual bid bond, a certified check, bank's draft, bank's check, or postal money order made payable to the Wisconsin Department of Transportation Secretary for 5% of the total amount bid. The electronic template will allow the following options for meeting the proposal guaranty. E-Verify bid bond (Surety2000 & SurePath), uploading a copy of the bid bond or certificate of annual bid bond, certified check, bank draft, or money order. Any bid security, other than a E-verified bond or certificate of annual bid bond is provided, the department will require that the apparent two lowest bidders to mail or hand-deliver the original bond, certified check, bank draft, or money order to the Bureau of Aeronautics by close of business two business days following the close of bids and must be received by the Bureau of Aeronautics no later than 5 days from the posting of the bid results. Hours of labor and minimum wage rates: Pursuant to regulations provided by applicable federal and/or state laws, the hours of labor and minimum wage rates are set forth in the proposal. Affirmative action: The department hereby notifies all bidders that it will affirmatively insure that in any contract entered into pursuant to this advertisement, disadvantaged business enterprises will be afforded full opportunity to submit bids in response to this invitation and will not be discriminated against on the grounds of race, color, sex, or national origin in consideration for an award. Questions received after the prebid conference or less than seven days prior to the date for opening of Bids may not be answered.


Transportation Terminals


Public - State/Provincial

Paving, Site Work

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4004 S Oakhill Ave, Janesville, WI

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