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Saving Project...

Published August 22, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and paving for a road / highway in Sioux City, Iowa. Conceptual plans call for site work for a road / highway; and for paving for a road / highway.

This program consists of the paving of various thin asphalt streets throughout the City. The City of Sioux City has about 2 miles (or 30 blocks) of these thin asphalt streets within neighborhoods. These streets were constructed in the 1980's with a 1" to 3" of asphalt overlay over fly ash or gravel subbase. They were proposed by a local asphalt contractor and most of them were built with cost sharing with the abutting property owners. The cost sharing was done by assessing the improvements. The project to surface these streets was an effort to have a more affordable hard surface street surface. Options to reconstruct these streets are: Reconstruct them with the same program done in the 1980's with thin asphalt overlays assessed to the abutting owners and shared in cost with the City with life cycles of less than 15 years before they need to be redone. Reconstruct them with full depth concrete or asphalt paving with proper drainage facilities assessed to the abutting owners. Once this is done, the City has taken these streets for future maintenance and replacement at the end of the life of the street. The life of concrete paving is normally 40 to 50 years. A large majority of the City's streets are paved with full depth concrete over 65 years old. This option is the City's policy for dirt and gravel streets (and alleys) that are currently platted in the City. Comparison data on the cost of maintaining rock or gravel surfaced roadway and paved streets have shown that savings can be obtained in paving higher volume gravel or rock roads. Traditionally the paving of thin asphalt streets is a cost borne upon the abutting property owners. With this program, the abutting property owners have been assessed in the past from 25% to 50% of the cost for this improvement. The paving of thin asphalt streets is driven by a petition and supported by many of the property owners to be assessed. Priorities (listed below) of this street reconstruction are based on their condition. Because of the condition of many of these streets, the City should initiate the projects to rebuild them with proper drainage facilities. The projects in this program are assessable (25%) to the abutting and adjacent property owners for the thin asphalt overlays and 50% to the City. For full depth concrete or asphalt paving up to 31 ft. wide, paving is assessed to the abutting owners and City. Costs include the cost of grading, drainage, assessment deficiencies and over-width paving. The funding shown will allow for approximately 3-4 blocks at approximately $37,000 per block of 3" asphalt overlays/and sub grade treatment without any curb and gutter, or storm sewer improvements. If the streets are repaved with full depth concrete or asphalt the cost would be $151,000 per block with storm sewer, sub grade and removals. This project is included in the fy 2024-2028 Capital Improvement Program. As of May 19, 2023, further details regarding design and construction timelines have not been identified. *Project information has been obtained through a public capital improvement plan (CIP). A CIP is a financial schedule for short- and long-range projects which is updated regularly. Information listed in the CIP often evolves based on funding availability and the project details, including timeline and value, are subject to change. The content management team will continue to pursue additional details as they become available. As of August 22, 2023, no new information available


Roads / Highways


Public - City

Paving, Site Work

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Multiple Locations, Sioux City, IA

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