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Published June 19, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and paving for a road / highway in West Rockhill Township, Pennsylvania. Completed plans call for site work for a road / highway; and for paving for a road / highway.

**As of June 19, 2023, this project has not yet been awarded. Project will be awarded on June 21, 2023.** Installation of 9.5mm Superpave leveling and wearing course on various streets within Township. Approx 1770 TN Base Bid (additional 3050 TN alternates) including associated base repairs, milling, rip rap and line striping. Note - Contractor must be PADOT Prequalified as a Prime Contractor, and PA Prevailing Wage Rates apply; refer specifications. Work will be performed on uncurbed curbed streets with variable width. 2. Roads may be closed for work from the hours of 8 AM to 4 PM. However, access for residents must be accommodated to the greatest extent possible. All traffic controls are the responsibility of the contractor and shall be in accordance with PennDOT Publication 213, "Temporary Traffic Control Guidelines". Township must be advised of proposed closures one week in advance. Contractor responsible for placing notices at impacted properties. 3. Paving joint at paved driveways and start/end of work shall be milled where marked by Township. 4. All requirements of the specifications/contract documents not specifically identified as bid items shall be incidental to the appropriate item. All bids must include prices for every bid item. complete all work within Sixty (60) calendar days, from Notice to Proceed 5. No work is permitted on Saturdays (unless approved by the Township), Sundays, or holidays. 6. Successful bidder must submit PennDOT approved asphalt mix design (job mix formula) and Form CS-4171 Certificate of Compliance in accordance with applicable PennDOT regulations to the Township for approval, for each day's work. 7. Contractor must be PennDOT prequalified as a Prime Contractor for all bid items. Copy of prequalification must be included with submitted bid. 8. All items shall be completed under the direction and supervision of West Rockhill Township (and/or its agents) and shall be in accordance with PennDOT Publication 408/2020, latest edition. All material shall be supplied from PennDOT approved suppliers. Work completed without notification and/or supervision of the Township shall be subject to being uncovered, removed, and/or replaced as determined at the sole discretion of the Township. 9. Contractors are responsible for maintaining the streets in a safe and mud/debris-free condition. Any mud, stones, or debris tracked onto the roadways must be immediately cleared/removed by the Contractor to the satisfaction of the Township. Any cost relating to the above shall be the responsibility of the Contractor. 10. All millings shall be delivered to the Township maintenance facility at 1028 Ridge Road, Sellersville, PA. Proper offsite disposal of all other excess, waste, or undesirable material generated from any operation under this contract is the responsibility of the Contractor. 11. The Contractor shall care for, repair, restore, and make good any structure or surface or things on or in any private, corporation or public property, which may in any way be disturbed, injured, or destroyed by, or in consequence of, the work of the Contractor. All damage to Township roadways resulting from construction activities (as determined by the Township) is the responsibility of the contractor to repair. 12. The Contractor shall provide adequate signs, lights, barricades and other devices necessary and/or appropriate to warn the public of the work being performed hereunder and shall undertake such measures necessary to prevent any injury to the public or to the property of the Townships or others. The Contractor shall protect existing facilities within and/or adjacent to his work. 13. Bidders shall submit bids utilizing the PennBid electronic bid form. Required bid documentation including Bid Bond, Anti Collusion Form, and PennDOT Prequalification shall be uploaded to the PennBid Program. 14. Contract, if awarded, will be awarded based on Total Base Bid or Total Base Bid Plus Selected Alternates. At the sole discretion of the Township. 15. A conditional award of contract will be made by the Township to the responsible bidder with the lowest responsive bid within forty-five (45) days of bid opening. Contract award shall be conditional upon Township receipt of PennDOT Liquid Fuels Funding Project Approval. Upon notification of conditional award, performance and payment bonds, insurance information, job mix formula, and other required documentation must be submitted to the Township within fourteen (14) days. When submitted information is deemed acceptable by the Township an Contractor will provide labor, equipment and material for installation of Superpave Asphalt mixture design, 25 mm base repair (as directed), 9.5 mm leveling course (as directed), and 1 1/2 or 2 inches 9.5 mm wearing course overlay (as directed); including pavement marking as directed. Contractor is responsible for milling at all paving joints including intersections, structures, curbs, and paved driveways; and seam sealing at intersections, structures, curbs, and paved driveways. Contractor is responsible for sweeping, tack coat, and traffic control. Township must be notified a minimum of five (5) working days prior to start of work. All work must be performed as directed by the Township CLARIFICATION DEADLINE 5/30/2023 4:00 PM

Bid Results

Roads / Highways


Public - City

Paving, Site Work




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Multiple Locations, West Rockhill Township, PA

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