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Site work and paving for a road / highway in Merchantville, New Jersey. Completed plans call for site work for a road / highway; and for paving for a road / highway.

a Certified Check, Bid Bond or Cashier's Check drawn to the order of the Borough of Merchantville for ten percent (10%) of the total amount bid, provided said security need not be more than $20,000.00. The right is reserved to reject any or all Proposals, in whole or in part, or to make awards to such bidder or bidders, who, in the judgment of the Borough of Merchantville makes the most advantageous bid and to waive such informalities as may be permitted by law. Estimated Item Quantity Base Bid 1. Hot Mix Asphalt 9.5M64 Surface Course, 1-1/2" Thick 3,840 SY 2. Hot Mix Asphalt 19M64 Base Course, 3" Thick 3,840 SY 3. DGA, 6" Thick (If and Where Directed) 100 SY 4. Mill 4-1/2" Average 3,840 SY 5. Concrete Vertical Curb (Remove and Replace) 790 LF 6. Concrete Driveway Apron, 6" Thick, Reinforced 1,605 SF 7. Concrete Sidewalk, 4" Thick (Handicap Ramp) 175 SF 8. Concrete Gutter Curb, (Handicap Ramp) 20 LF 9. Detectable Warning Surface 16 SF 10. Thermoplastic Stop Bar including "STOP" 2 UN 11. Asphalt Price Adjustment 1 LS Add Alternate A1-1. Concrete Vertical Curb (If and Where Directed) 990LF. MBE (19%), WBE (6.9%) 1. Milling roadway 4-1/2" thick average, install 6" DGA if and where directed, 3" thick HMA 19M64 base course and 1.5" thick HMA 9.5M64 Surface Course. Excess material removed becomes the property of the contractor. 2. Install 6" thick HMA 19M64 base course as shown on plans and where directed. 3. Install Handicap ramps. 4. Replacing driveway aprons with aprons and depressed curbs as shown on plans and where directed. 5. Replacing curbing as shown on the plans and where directed. 6. Replacing sidewalk as indicated on the plans. 7. Restoring disturbed vegetated/lawn areas. As a minimum, all lawns shall be restored with topsoil, fertilizer, seed, and mulch. Other materials shall be restored in-kind. 8. Providing all necessary traffic directors and traffic control in accordance with the MUTCD. Merchantville Police Department must be contacted for any closures. 9. Installing thermoplastic stop bars at the locations shown on the plans. 10. Roadway shall be clean and open to traffic at the end of every day. Add Alternate - 1. Replacing curbing as shown on the plans and where directed. 2. Restoring disturbed vegetated/lawn areas. As a minimum, all lawns shall be restored with topsoil, fertilizer, seed, and mulch. Other materials shall be restored in-kind. 3. Providing all necessary traffic directors and traffic control in accordance with the MUTCD. Merchantville Police Department must be contacted for any closures. 4. Roadway shall be clean and open to traffic at the end of every day.


Roads / Highways


Public - City

Paving, Site Work




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Multiple Locations, Merchantville, NJ

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