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Published June 23, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a water / sewer project in Warren, Rhode Island. Completed plans call for site work for a water / sewer project.

The Bristol County Water Authority (BCWA) is seeking sealed Bids for the Lower and Upper Kickemuit Reservoir Dam Removal project. The work under this contract includes but is not limited to the following: Lower Kickemuit Dam Removal: The installation of control of water devices and by-pass pipes; dredging, dewatering, and disposing of impacted sediments; breaching of the dam; concrete demolition; multiple phases of mobilization, collection, and dewatering of non-impacted sediments; disposal of non-impacted sediments; riprap installation; grading; ecological restorations; plantings; and the installation of tide gates to existing headwalls along Serpentine Road. Upper Kickemuit Dam Removal: The installation of control of water devices; breaching of the dam; concrete demolition; multiple phases of mobilization, collection, and dewatering of non-impacted sediments; disposal of non-impacted sediments; riprap installation; grading; plantings; ecological restorations; pipe/outlet abandonment; and the placement of loam and seed. Upper Kickemuit Dam Removal - Mobilize to the project site; establish site access roadways, staging areas, and entrance mats; remove and store site features conflicting with construction access and proposed for resetting. - Install erosion and sediment controls. - Clear vegetation as required to complete the work. - Install upstream and downstream coffer dams upstream and downstream of the Upper Kickemuit Reservoir Dam. Divert flow through the low-level outlet located near station 1+10. - Demolish spillway structures and excavate the breach to the proposed limits. - Remove upstream and downstream cofferdams in stages to mobilize sediment. - Remove sediment as required and to the limits specified. - Stockpile the removed sediment in the dewatering areas and dispose of the sediment at a disposal facility after remova - Perform final grading along the side slopes of the breach. - Abandon the outlet pipes through the dam and plug and fill the remaining portion of pipe with concrete. - Plant vegetation and install boulders along the breach channel. - Remove remaining portions of the cofferdams. - Loam and seed the work area, staging areas, and all other areas disturbed by construction activities. - Restore all disturbed areas of the site including the removal of all sediment and erosion controls after vegetation has been established. - Return the staging area to the pre-construction condition and demobilize from the site.


Water / Sewer


Public - County

Site Work





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To Be Determined, Warren, RI

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