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Published July 31, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for an educational facility in Erie, Michigan. Completed plans call for site work for a educational facility.

As of July 31, 2023 the project has already been awarded to Regent Electric, awarded amount is $120,000. bid security of at least five percent (5%) of the bid amount. The Architect shall respond in writing, within five (5) work days of receipt of the request, to any and all requests for interpretation or clarification of the Contract Documents. Bidders wishing to obtain approval to bid non-specified products must submit written requests to Design Professional no later than close of business on Tuesday, May 23, 2023 1. Conflicting Information - If conflicting information exists on the Bid Documents the Contractor shall comply with the most stringent quality and highest quantity requirement. The contractor shall notify the Architect in writing of any conflicts or discrepancies prior to submitting a bid proposal and prior to the start of work. It is the responsibility of each trade to bid this project from a complete set of plans and specifications. Any information found on the plans and not in the specifications, or found in the specifications and not on the drawings, shall be construed as to be included in both the specifications and the plans. Any conflict between the plans and the specifications will be interpreted by the Architect. 2. Furnish and install all of the items listed in this scope of work to make a complete working system unless otherwise noted. 3. The following items of work only represent a portion or highlights portions of the work of this contract. It is strongly encouraged that all bidders visit the proposed site and read and understand not only these sections of work but all scopes of work, general and special conditions of this contract as well. The contents of the following scope of work supersede any and all notations on the drawings pertaining to scope responsibility. 4. Review all drawings and notes and coordinate work with respective contractors. 5. Engineering, layout and control as required completing the respective work items of this bid package. 6. All trade permits, licenses, fees and inspection required to complete this work are to be by contractor. 7. All Materials and/or testing and inspections required for this scope of work as listed in the specifications. All copies of the field reports and tests will be copied and submitted to the Owner's Representative as specified in the specifications. Any areas that fail to satisfy specifications could result in taking action against this contractor per Article 5 of the General Conditions for this contract. Contractor to notify the Owner's Representative the same day of any and all non-conforming test results. (Testing Cost will be by Owner) 8. Barricades, rails, flashing lights, signs, and any other safety requirements for this scope of work to meet all state and OSHA guidelines. 9. Protection of existing work that is to remain such as walks, structures, utilities and any other items that are to become a permanent part of this project. 10. Daily clean-up of debris caused by contractor and its work force. 11. Remove, and legally dispose of off-site, all demolition materials required by the drawings, specifications and any governing agency. 12. As-built drawings updated throughout the course of the project. Owner's Representative may review as-built drawings no less than once monthly for verification that current changes in location and elevation are being recorded. 13. All openings shall be protected according to OSHA standards. 14. Provide temporary facilities as indicated in the General and Special Requirements. 15. Provide dumpsters, temporary toilets, fire extinguishers, dewatering and temporary fencing to maintain secure/safe site conditions. 16. The drawings and specifications are complementary and shall be included to the scope of work herein. 17. Structural excavation and backfill for foundations, footers, raised slabs, etc., in accordance with drawings and specifications. Backfill to be compacted premium material or as specified, excess excavated material to be legally disposed of offsite, drainage system with all necessary tie-ins, and testing to a finish elevation in accordance with drawings and specifications. 18. Contractor to work with Owner's testing agency and coordinate all activities with agency and ensure agency is on site for all activities requiring on-site inspections and testing. 19. All joints shall be sealed in accordance with the drawings and specifications. 20. Cast-in-place concrete forming, reinforcing steel, concrete accessories, setting all embedded items, concrete materials, finishing, curing, any necessary protection, layout and elevations for footers etc., in accordance with drawings and specifications. 21. General building permit will be obtained by the Architect. All other trade permits, licenses, fees and inspections required to complete this work are to be by this contractor 22. Rough carpentry and interior architectural woodwork, all necessary interior wood blocking/fire rated, all necessary exterior wood blocking, all necessary fastening hardware, and installation for all trades items in accordance with drawings and specifications. Coordinate location and requirements with other trades. Blocking shall be furnished for contractor and owner supplied wall mounted equipment. 23. Painting, finishing and high-performance coatings, priming and finish coats of all exterior exposed surfaces, surface acceptance, preparation and protection of items not to be painted in accordance with the drawings and specifications. Structural 24. Shoring design for support of the existing bleachers during new foundation construction is the responsibility of the contractor. Submit shoring shop drawings and calculation as indicated on the design drawings. 25. Construct the foundations per the construction documents. 26. Perform special inspections on all construction materials and procedures in accordance with the 2015 Michigan Building Code requirements and as defined on the drawings.




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2400 Mason Eagle Dr, Erie, MI

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