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Published May 27, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of an office development in Knoxville, Tennessee. Completed plans call for the renovation of a office development.

Knoxville Utilities Board (KUB) is searching for a Small Business who can provide Z2 Workstation. Valid bids must upload their SBE Affidavit (attached). Q & A deadline: May 22, 2023 11:00:00 AM EDT Special procurement requirements for this bid: For all products bid (hardware, software, services & maintenance) the vendor must be an authorized distributor or reseller of the requested product manufacturer. If requested by KUB for the bidder to validate that they are an authorized distributor or reseller of the requested product manufacturer, the bidder will be given 2 days to reply with proof from the manufacturer that they are authorized to distribute or sell the specific product, otherwise their bid will be disqualified. Only New Factory Sealed Equipment with full warranty period from the bid stated manufacturer will be accepted. Failure to provide matching product IDs with the bid request will result in disqualification. If your product ID does not match and you feel this is an error with the bid request, please note your concern in the seller comments and explain the reason for not being able to bid the same product code, model number, part number, etc. No used, refurbished, re-certified, or factory reconditioned products will be accepted unless specifically stated as an exception. Product IDs will be validated on arrival of equipment and must match the bid to avoid disqualification. Service, Assembly & Maintenance Requirements: Due to security concerns and firmware code controls & validation, unless the bid specifically calls out an exception, we will not accept third party maintenance programs, device assembly or services at this time. We will only accept maintenance, assembly and repairs from the original manufacturer or badged employees of the original manufacturer if the work is to be performed onsite. Software Requirements: Vendor must provide the specified software product (part number), license and is an official reseller authorized to sell the product from the manufacturer. The product should be new in original packaging, certified from the manufacturer with full warranty and support. The product should be of the latest software version. The product should be at the highest level of encryption and not impacted by encryption laws or policies of other countries but is intended for resell within the United States of America and matches the encryption levels that the manufacturer produces for resell in the United States of America. All vendors must comply with all other requirements found within the bid information. Failure to be validated by the manufacturer as an authorized reseller in good standing of the product or any evidence of software tampering will disqualify the vendor and void all agreements. If the software media is to be downloaded as the source of installation, the download must originate from verified servers hosted by the software manufacturer and be directly downloaded from the software manufacturer, not from a third party or other hosting services to prevent product contamination.




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4428 Western Ave, Knoxville, TN

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