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Published October 5, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Demolition and renovation of a municipal facility in Wilson, North Carolina. Completed plans call for the demolition of a municipal facility; and for the renovation of a municipal facility.

**As of October 05, 2023, project was awarded to LRRB - ABCO, but awarded amount is not available.** Type of Work: Ceiling Repair: Demolition and disposal of existing plaster ceiling, support framing, and temporary shoring. Provide and install new support framing, drywall, caulking, and painting The scope of the project is to repair the ceiling above the balcony where the ceiling changes elevation. DEMOLITION: Work will require demolition of existing plaster ceiling and support framing. This demolition includes the square soffit ceiling installed in 2009 and the original curved ceiling above and behind. The demolition work includes removal and disposal of the plaster, lathing, and framing. Once the demolition is completed the existing temporary shoring can be removed. Temporary shoring material is to be retained by the City of Wilson. Contractor shall provide means, method, materials and equipment to contain all dust and debris to the balcony area. The contractor shall clean the work area when completed. The City of Wilson will remove and replace seating as necessary for the contractor to perform the work. CONSTRUCTION: Ceiling reconstruction will require 2"X4" soffit framing, either wood or metal studs. Soffit framing to be covered with 1/2 " drywall and finished to match existing plaster ceiling. Finish shall include joint tape, compound, sanding, caulking, and painting to match existing ceiling. All work shall be performed in accordance with standard construction practices and the 2018 NC Building Code. The date of availability for this contract is on or before June 19, 2023. The completion date for this contract is August 15, 2023. Except where otherwise provided by the contract, observation periods required by the contract will not be a part of the work to be completed by the completion date and/or intermediate contract times stated in the contract. The acceptable completion of the observation periods that extend beyond the final completion date shall be a part of the work covered by the performance and payment bonds. Liquidated damages for this contract are Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) per calendar day.




Public - City

Demolition, Renovation

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.

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108 Nash St, Wilson, NC

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