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Published October 24, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work, new construction and renovation of a medical facility in Charlottesville, Virginia. Completed plans call for the construction of a medical facility; for the renovation of a medical facility; and for site work for a medical facility.

As of October 24, 2023, project was said to be award to Breeden Construction, but still going with the approval. This project is currently undergoing bidding for short-listed Design Builders. The University of Virginia, Charlottesville, invites highly qualified firms to submit Letters of Interest and Statements of Qualifications along with background information on Form HECO-16 (obtain adapted version website for the design and construction related to the: Fontaine Research Park - Parking Garage. The University seeks to retain a Design/Build (DB) team for the design and construction for the new Fontaine Research Park Parking Garage in accordance with the provisions of the University of Virginia Higher Education Capital Outlay Manual. The DB team will utilize the bridging documents to finish the design (Preliminary Design and Construction Document submissions) as well as provide full construction services. The University of Virginia proposes to construct a new 1250-minimum space parking garage at the Fontaine Research Park. The project will include an approximately 455,000 gross square foot garage, planned to be 7 levels including a partially below grade level. The University has determined that Competitive Sealed Bidding is not practicable or fiscally advantageous; therefore, the contract will be competitively negotiated and awarded as a Design/Build project delivery method. Submittals will be evaluated, and a short-list of firms selected. The selection of short-listed firms will be based on demonstrated qualifications in projects of this type, ability to meet the proposed schedules, the quality and experience of the proposed team, the firm's plan for involvement of SWaM firms, experience with the Capital Outlay system, project safety record (not the firm), and other criteria as the selection committee may determine appropriate. Only firms licensed to do business in Virginia will be considered. The short-listed firms will be issued a detailed scope of work/request for proposal (RFP) including bridging documents and invited to present a more detailed proposal and oral presentation of their qualifications and experience.




Public - State/Provincial

New Construction, Renovation, Site Work

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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415 Ray C. Hunt Dr, Charlottesville, VA

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