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Site work and new construction of a playground / park / athletic field in Arden Hills, Minnesota. Completed plans call for the construction of a playground / park / athletic field; and for site work for a playground / park / athletic field.

Arden Manor and Floral Park Improvements Items of Work: 511 CU YD COMMON EMBANKMENT (CV) 1786 CU YD EXCAVATION - COMMON 987 CU YD SELECT GRANULAR EMBANKMENT (CV) 717 CU YD AGGREGATE BASE (CV) CLASS 5 661 TON TYPE SP 9.5 WEARING COURSE MIX (2,C) 2255 LIN FT 4" PERF PE PIPE DRAIN 659 LIN FT 5" THICK x 18" WIDE CONCRETE MAINTENANCE STRIP 489 LIN FT CONCRETE CURB DESIGN V4 609 LIN FT 10' HIGH, 3-RAIL CHAIN-LINK PERIMETER FENCE 1864 SQ YD ACRYLIC COLOR SURFACING. The current minimum wage rate per hour to be paid for each classification of work shall be the local prevailing rate, including fringe benefits as defined in Minnesota Statute 177.41-177.44, except as noted in the Arden Manor Park Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Requirements sections of this Project Manual. Bids will only be accepted from Contractors who purchase digital or paper bidding documents as specified above. The provisions of Minn. Stat. 16C.285 Responsible Contractor are imposed as a requirement of this contract. No bid will be considered unless sealed and filed with the City Clerk of Arden Hills before the stated bid time and accompanied by a bid bond, cashier's check, or certified check made payable without recourse to the City of Arden Hills in an amount equal to five percent (5%) of the amount bid, to be forfeited as liquidated damages in the event that the bid is accepted and the bidder fails to enter promptly into a written contract and furnish the required bonds. A Performance Bond and a Labor and Material Payment Bond, each in the full amount of the Contract Sum, will be required of the successful bidder. No bid may be withdrawn for a period of ninety (90) calendar days after bids are opened. The Owner reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive irregularities and formalities in order to award the contract in the best interests of the City of Arden Hills. Location - 4601 PRIOR AVE ARDEN HILLS, MN 55112. 1423 FLORAL DR W ARDEN HILLS, MN 55112.


Playgrounds / Parks / Athletic Fields


Public - City

New Construction, Site Work




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