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Site work and paving for a mixed-use development in Saint Joseph, Michigan. Completed plans call for site work for a road / highway; for paving for a road / highway; sidewalk / parking lot; and sidewalk / parking lot.

Project consist of replacing the existing sanitary sewer and reconstructing the existing pavements along Upton Road from the St. Joseph River to Momany Drive located within the City of St. Joseph, Michigan. In addition, the sanitary sewer replacement will extend beneath the St. Joseph River as a 12 inch diameter forcemain using horizontal directional drilling (HDD) installation methods that may extend to an approximate elevation of 512 feet. The ground surface elevation on each side of the St. Joseph River is as high as 593 feet on the north side and 612 feet on the south side. We anticipate a lift station will be constructed in conjunction with the river crossing. We anticipate the portion of the sanitary sewer along the roadway will be installed using open cut methods. The depth of the sewer is not known at this time; however we anticipate the sewer will be constructed 5 to 7 feet below existing grade. It is our understanding the pavement along Upton Road will be reconstructed with a new Portland cement concrete pavement section. However, no traffic data was available upon completion of this report. If you have any questions regarding purchasing procedures, please phone the City Clerk's Office at (269) 983-6325. All other inquiries shall be directed to Abonmarche Consultants, Inc., attn.: Sam Jablonowski, PE via email: Questions must be entitled: "Upton Drive Reconstruction Project - RFI."

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Roads / Highways


Public - City

Paving, Site Work





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