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Published August 7, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a multi-residential development in Port Huron, Michigan. Completed plans call for the renovation of a multi-residential development.

Bids are requested from experienced and qualified General Contractors for Bathroom Renovations in (106) occupied apartments at Gratiot & Huron Villages in accordance with the bidding documents. Removal work includes: existing Bathroom Windows, Tub Surrounds, Shower Valves. Installation work includes: plumbing for new Shower Valves, new Tub Surrounds, electrical for new Bathroom Exhaust Fans connected to a new Roof Vent, as needed all exterior siding, framing, patching, painting. Bids must include all material and labor necessary to complete all specified work. All materials, methods, and installation must meet the final approval of Port Huron Housing and/or City of Port Huron. Any questions or clarifications for shall be addressed at the on site walk through meetings, or by email to peppley@phhousing.org before 6/5/23 to allow PH Housing to review and send response to all bidders through Addendum, if required Scope of Work, Requirements and Specifications WORK SCHEDULING AND PLANNING REQUIREMENTS = Port Huron Housing and the awarded contractor will agree on removal & installation schedules for occupied apartments at Gratiot & Huron Villages. Working hours in occupied apartments shall be limited to anytime typically 8:00am - 5:00pm, Monday through Friday. -DAY 1- For each scheduled apartment during (1) working day the contractor must be able to remove, frame & drywall patch the bathroom window along with removing & replacing all plumbing, tub surround, and shower curtain rod. -DAY 2- Then, the very next day after installation the contractor will remove of all surround wall bracing and complete 2 nd coat drywall sanding/patching, touch ups, and/or final sanding and painting. Contractor must plan for each resident to be able to use their Tub/Shower sometime on Day 2, total time residents will be without shall not exceed 32 hours. -Some final sanding and/or finish painting can be completed on Fridays in all apartments worked on during the work week. -Bathroom exhaust fans must be installed either before all shower work is completed or within 2 days after the new shower surround installation. Scope of Work: 1. Awarded contractor will make all final project verifications and measurements as necessary for ordering all material and equipment for this project. 2. Contractor and/or electrical sub-contractor will supply and install new bathroom exhaust fan Delta Breeze SLM70 [*or PH Housing approved equal], and shall be wired to be turned on with the existing bathroom light switch. Contractor will connect all venting duct to a new roof exhaust vent with that has a Bird Screen with and back draft damper. [*PH Housing recommends that contractors shall only supply and install the specified materials or equipment so that we can standardize and to match previous installations and/or with existing material and equipment at Huron & Gratiot Villages.] 3. Contractor will carefully remove the resident's shower curtain & set aside and will later reinstall the resident's previous shower curtain on the new installed shower curtain rod. 4. Contactor will remove existing vinyl window, window frame, shower tub surround and foam backing, haul away and dispose off-site. 5. Scrape off and/or sand as needed to prepare the existing walls as needed to make for a clean and smooth surface for new tub surround installation. 6. Install new wood framing at the old window location & install new bathroom drywall, perform any patching as needed.




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1509 Riverview St, Port Huron, MI

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