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Published July 26, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a municipal facility in Kayenta, Arizona. Completed plans call for the renovation of a municipal facility.

As of July 26, 2023 the project was awarded to Liberty Fence & Supply , awarded amount not available . To remove/install chain link fencing that encompasses the front of the Kayenta District yard located in Kayenta, Navajo county, Arizona. The condition of the existing fencing is weathered and damage from over the years. Kayenta District Yard o Replace approximately 855 feet of existing chain link fencing with steel anti-rust rod iron fence. o 36 43'37.06"N, 110 15'01.08"W Construction - replace chain link fence. o Remove and dispose of existing chain link fence approx. 855 linear feet, including posts, post footings, gates, tension wires, and barb wire lines. o Remove and dispose existing gates two (2) by the NTUA Administration Building and the walk-in gates four (4) by the employee housing and by the Administration Building, including posts, post footings, and gates. o Approx. 200' of temp. fence for the residential area and by the Administration Building, use temp. fence when the existing chain link fence are removed to secure the property. o All debris shall be removed from the site in a timely manner and dispose to EPA approved. o Install the same style of the existing rod iron fence that are installed on the west side of the NTUA Trailer Park. Use 16 ga. 3/4 -inch hollow tubing with spear tops. o Install 3" steel posts set in concrete at every 10' and rod iron fence will be 7 feet tall with 3/4 " spear top pickets. o Install two (2) 4' walk-gates and two (2) gates for the 14' opening with 3" steel posts set in concrete with a heavy-duty latch. o Replace all fence and gate hardware, such as gate hinges, brackets, rail ends, etc. o Shall provide a 1-year workmanship warranty that shall begin after the acceptance of the completed work by NTUA. Questions Due June 5, 2023 by 5:00 p.m. (MDST) Award Contract/Notice to Proceed July 3, 2023 All questions must be submitted in writing to Avis Jimm, Contract Administrator via email at avisj@ntua.com. NTUA will only respond to written questions related to this RFP submitted by the question due date. NTUA reserves the right to reject any or all proposals and to waive informalities in the proposals received whenever such rejection or waiver is in the best interests of NTUA. NTUA reserves the right to reject any proposal based on deficient past performance, including projects conducted with NTUA, other Navajo Nation agencies, the federal, state or local governments, or any commercial project.




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To Be Determined, Kayenta, AZ

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