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Published July 27, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a mixed-use development in Tioga Center, New York. Completed plans call for site work for a educational facility.

2021 Capital Improvement Project Phase II District Wide A: K-12: 60-09-03-04-0-007-026 C: Bus Garage: 60-09-03-04-5-026-004 D: Sewage Bldg: 60-09-03-04-0-022-001 RFIs may be mailed to: Mr. Michael James, Project Manager King + King Architects LLP 358 W. Jefferson Street Syracuse, New York 13202 or e-mailed to Mr. James's attention at mjames@kingarch.com *Bid date for Plumbing Contract is July 10th at 2pm.* 1. General Construction Contract (GC) a. The General Trades Contractor shall furnish all material, labor, equipment, subcontractors, supervision, management, and administration required for the total performance of the work of this contract as listed in the following specification sections and as shown on the following drawings including, but not limited to: b. All work for project as shown on drawings: A/G-Series, A/X-Series (Asbestos), and A/A-Series unless specific to the roofing (RC Co-Op) scope or noted otherwise. c. Provide the complete work for all sections of Specification Divisions 00, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 11 and 12 unless related to specific to the roofing (RC Co-Op) or Food-Service scope. 2. Plumbing Construction Contract (PC) a. The Plumbing Trades Contractor shall furnish all material, labor, equipment, subcontractors, supervision, management, and administration required for the total performance of the work of this contract as listed in the following specification sections and as shown on the following drawings including, but not limited to: b. All work for project as shown on drawings: A/G-Series, A/P and D/P- Series and D/W-Series (Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrades). c. Provide the complete work for all sections of Specification Divisions 00, 02, 22, and Section 025300 Wastewater Treatment. 3. Food-Service Equipment Contract (FEC) a. The Food-Service Equipment Trades Contractor shall furnish all material, labor, equipment, subcontractors, supervision, management, and administration required for the total performance of the work of this contract as listed in the following specification sections and as shown on the following drawings including, but not limited to: b. All work for project shown on drawings: A/FS. c. Provide the complete work for all sections of Specification Divisions 00, 02, and Section 011400 Foodservice Equipment. 4. Roofing Construction Contract (RC) a. This work will be executed under an existing Cooperative Purchasing Agreement). 5. Mechanical Construction Contract (MC) a. This work will be executed under an existing Cooperative Purchasing Agreement). 6. Electrical Construction Contract (EC) a. This work will be executed under an existing Cooperative Purchasing Agreement). 7. Site Construction Contract (SC) a. This work will be executed under an existing Cooperative Purchasing Agreement) Bid Result GENERAL CONSTRUCTION WORK - F.E. Jones Construction - 1,289,000 Food Service Equipment - Main Ford General Supply - 598,000

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27 5th Ave, Tioga Center, NY

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Tioga Central School District 2021 Capital Improvement Project Phase II - District Wide

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