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Published April 10, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a fitness / recreation center in Durham, North Carolina. Completed plans call for the renovation of a fitness / recreation center.

All inquiries, questions, requests for substitution, and/or clarifications must be submitted in writing via the email below according to the directions given in the Request for Approval of Substitution and in the Instructions to Bidders prior to 2:00 p.m. on Monday, June 12, 2023. Drawing and technical specification inquiries should be directed to: Thomas Bushley Email: Thomas.Bushley@DurhamNC.gov. Summary of Work: Forest Hills Recreation Center is located at 1639 University Drive, Durham NC 27707. The initial assessment is to perform corrective measures for Renovation, Repair, and Paint (RRP) on the "exterior only" portion of the building which is approximately 6000 square feet. The work specified herein will be to clean, prepare, encapsulate, prime, and paint existing lead-based paint (LBP) surfaces on all exterior-facing surfaces. This remediation shall be performed in accordance with all required, local, state, and federal regulations governing RRP. Also, this work shall be performed by licensed, certified, qualified, and competent persons within the RRP scope. Forest Hills Recreation Center is located at 1639 University Drive, Durham NC 27707. The initial assessment is to perform corrective measures for Renovation, Repair, and Paint (RRP) on the "exterior only" portion of the building which is approximately 6000 square feet. The work specified herein will be to clean, prepare, encapsulate, prime, and paint existing lead-based paint (LBP) surfaces on all exterior-facing surfaces. This remediation shall be performed in accordance with all required, local, state, and federal regulations governing RRP. Also, this work shall be performed by licensed, certified, qualified, and competent persons within the RRP scope. o The contractor will be responsible for setting up all perimeter warning measures in an effort to isolate work zone(s) from public interference. The contractor shall maintain a safe and approved ingress and egress route to the facility at all times with handicapped access to its occupants. The contractor must have all required OSHA documentation and contingency plans onsite before the commencement of work. The contractor shall be responsible for properly removing and disposing of contaminated material generated from the work performed in accordance with all local, state, and federal regulations. All efforts should be made to avoid excessive amounts of lead contaminated dust. Additionally, 50 cubic yards +/- of soil and perimeter landscaping shall be removed and disposed of properly in accordance with all local, state, and federal regulations. The actual area of excavation shall be determined and approved in the field by the project representative and contractor prior to the commencement of excavation and shall be paid per cubic yard. Proper protective measures shall be taken to minimize LBP exposure to the soil on the perimeter of the building by covering it with a non-permeable material. o All existing gutters and downspouts shall be removed with existing fascia and soffit material inspected for deterioration and replacement, if necessary, per the project representative's approval and shall be paid per liner foot. Installation of 175 linear feet +/- of new 6" commercial grade gutters and 15 downspouts to match the existing color code shall be approved by the project representative prior to installation according to all current local and state building codes. o The contractor shall properly clean, caulk watertight, and paint to match exterior windows and door casings where applicable to a neat and clean appearance.


Fitness / Rec Centers


Public - City


Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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1639 University Dr, Durham, NC

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