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Published May 30, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Makkovik, Newfoundland. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

Closing Time: 4:30 PM (NT) Question Acceptance Deadline 2023/06/12 04:30:00 PM NT Nunatsiavut Government (NG) is currently undertaking Pingutitsinik Nunatsiavut: Create Nunatsiavut Infrastructure Strategy which will guide decision-making and long-term investment to bridge the infrastructure gap in Nunatsiavut. This project will support analysis within the larger infrastructure strategy and identify lands and costs required for future quarry development. Some of the critical issues and opportunities which have led to initiating this study include: Quarries and available aggregate resources are essential to infrastructure investment in Nunatsiavut as availability of these resources is critical to construction, road development, and maintenance of existing infrastructure. There is one sand and one stone quarry in each of the 5 communities of Nain, Hopedale, Postville, Makkovik, and Rigolet. These are operated by businesses on a long-term lease-basis. Some of these quarries are near the end of their life, and rehab and closure plan as well as identification of new sites may be required in order to maintain reliable availability of these critical resources. NG seeks to identify the capacity of the existing resource and remaining lifespan in each community as well as identify candidate lands or alternative sites for future quarry development to plan long-term growth. With major investment in infrastructure and housing in the region, the availability of stone, aggregate and sand will be critical to civil site works which are foundational to all development. A list of major projects and information for each community will be provided to the successful proponent. This list of projects will support the successful proponent's development of projections of future demands of quarries in the region to understand investments required to facilitate long term infrastructure development. This review will include recommendations on compliance, documentation of existing condition and recommendations on improvements to existing sites. The business models and financial information about the sites will be documented within this phase and analyzed within the concurrent project: Nunatsiavut Economic Development Strategy for the Construction Sector. The successful proponent for this Aggregate Resources & Quarry Strategy will be expected to collaborate with the team completing the Economic Development Strategy through an interview to provide input and context on issues and opportunities regarding quarries and aggregate resources. Official bid documents must be obtained from www.merx.com and bid submissions must be done through the Merx platform.


Roads / Highways

Public - State/Provincial

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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July 31, 2023


Multiple Locations, Makkovik, NL

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