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Published August 10, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and paving for a road / highway in Mandan, North Dakota. Completed plans call for site work for a road / highway; and for paving for a road / highway.

Bids received after that time will not be accepted. Interested parties are invited to attend. It is the responsibility of the bidders to see that mailed or delivered bids are received by the deadline listed above. Bids will be received at that time for a General Contractor, Mechanical Contractor and Electrical Contractor, or Combined Contract. Drawings and specifications prepared by ICON Architectural Group, LLC. Bidders may request digital copies of the construction documents including addendums by contacting Mollie Mihelich at ICON Architectural Group at (701) 751-0430 or by contacting Kevin Sedivec at NDSU Central Grasslands REC at (701) 424-3606 All bidding questions should be forwarded to Keith Swenson (keith.swenson@iconarchitects. com) or (701) 751-0430. A copy of the contractor's license or certificate of renewal thereof issued by the Secretary of State shall be enclosed in the required bid bond envelope. Envelopes shall be identified as to contents and project. All bidders must be licensed for the highest amount of their bids as provided by Section 43-07-05 of the North Dakota Century Code. No bid will be read or considered which does not fully comply with the above provisions as to bond and licenses and any deficient bid submitted will be re-sealed and returned to the bidder immediately. The Owner reserves the right to waive any informalities or irregularities, to reject any and all bids and to hold all bids for a period of 30 days after the date fixed for the opening thereof. KEM Electric Cooperative is pleased to announce its Annual Meeting, scheduled to take place on Thursday, June 15, 2023. Coop members are invited to join the event, which promises to be a memorable occasion filled with engaging activities, informative discussions, and the opportunity to participate in the election of new board members. The annual meeting holds great significance for KEM Electric Cooperative and its members. It serves as a platform for individuals to come together, exchange experiences, and gain insights from co-op leadership. Moreover, this gathering plays a crucial role in determining the future direction of the cooperative, as attendees will exercise their right to vote for the election of new board members and bylaw amendments. The event will commence at 7 p.m. at the American Legion Barry-Hoof Post #72 in Napoleon, ND. Attendees are encouraged to arrive early, as registration and a meal will be available from 5:30 p.m. onwards, allowing members to network and socialize before the meeting commences. KEM Electric Cooperative understands the importance of engaging all members of the community, including children. As a result, the annual meeting will offer an array of exciting activities tailored specifically for younger attendees. Children will have the opportunity to explore the equipment used by linemen, including a captivating bucket truck, providing an educational and interactive experience they are sure to enjoy. In addition, high school seniors whose parents or guardians are members, and who attend the annual meeting have the opportunity to win two luckof-the-draw, $500 scholarships. "We are thrilled to invite our valued members to KEM Electric's Annual Meeting," said Marcy Sanders, Manager of Member Service. "This event serves as a testament to the strong sense of community within our cooperative, allowing members to connect, voice their opinions, and shape the future of our organization. We look forward to welcoming everyone to this remarkable occasion." Mark your calendars for the KEM Electric Annual Meeting on June 15, 2023, and join us at the American Legion Barry-Hoof Post #72 in Napoleon, ND. For more information, please visit KEMElectric.com or contact the KEM Electric office at 701- 254-4666. Combined Construction Apparent Low Bidder Roers Construction - $1,998,800 General Construction Apparent Low Bidder Roers Construction - $1,599,900 Mechanical Construction Apparent Low Bidder Manning Mechanical - $190,000 Electrical Construction Apparent Low Bidder Edling Electric - $198,500


Roads / Highways


Public - City

Paving, Site Work





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