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Published October 20, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work, paving and outdoor lighting for a mixed-use development in Fremont, California. Completed plans call for site work for a playground / park / athletic field; for outdoor lighting for a playground / park / athletic field; sidewalk / parking lot; and for paving for a sidewalk / parking lot.

Project Information : The Project is located at North East corner of Niles Canyon Road and Mission Blvd., Fremont, CA, 94536, and is described as follows: The project consists of tree protection and removal, partial demolition and removal of driveway and parking lot asphalt paving, clear and grubbing existing vegetated areas, rough and finish grading, construction of four new pickleball courts with acrylic sport court surfacing on asphalt base, installation of sport court lighting, including new PG&E transformer, switchgear, and electrical conduit, cables and pullboxes; application of slurry seal to existing driveway asphalt paving, installation of chain link fencing, concrete precast split rail fencing, site and pickleball court furnishings. The Bid Proposal must be accompanied by bid security of ten percent of the maximum bid amount, in the form of a cashier's or certified check made payable to City, or a bid bond executed by a surety licensed to do business in the State of California on the Bid Bond form included with the Contract Documents. The bid security must guarantee that, upon award of the bid, the successful bidder will execute the Contract and submit the payment and performance bonds, the insurance certificates, and the other documentation required by the Contract Documents, within ten days after City's issuance of the Notice of Award. The successful bidder will be required to provide performance and payment bonds, each for 100% of the Contract Price. License. This Project requires a valid California contractor's license for the following classification(s): Class A. Contractors bidding as a joint venture must secure a joint venture license prior to award of the Contract for the Project. Time for Completion. The planned timeframe for commencement and completion of construction of the Project is: One Hundred (100) working days. Estimated Project Cost. The estimated construction cost, or construction cost range, for the Project is $1,895,200.


Playgrounds / Parks / Athletic Fields


Public - City

Outdoor Lighting, Paving, Site Work





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299 Old Canyon Rd, Fremont, CA

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