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Published August 3, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a municipal facility in Waxahachie, Texas. Completed plans call for the renovation of a municipal facility.

As of August 3, 2023 , this project has not yet been awarded. A timeline for award has not yet been established. Ellis County the County invites participation in the Competitive Sealed Proposal (CSP) for experienced and qualified Contractors to perform the construction of the new Ellis County Justice of the Peace Courthouse #2. The Firm selected will be awarded a Contract with the County. This introduction provides a high-level summary of the project covered in this request for competitive sealed proposals. Located within the city limits of Waxahachie, Texas, the Ellis County Sub-Courthouse Precinct #2 project scope includes a new-build, single story county government building of just over 20,000 gross square feet. Building occupants include Precinct #2 Justice of the Peace, County clerks and records, Constables as well as offices for local State of Texas AgLife extension, and a multi-purpose room with uses that include voting for local elections and training sessions. Site work includes regrading, retaining-wall-supported fill and leveling of a pad site, public and secure parking, bioswale onsite stormwater treatment, and extensive landscaping. The building program includes a courtroom and gallery and associated meeting rooms, a main lobby and grand public corridor with abundant natural light from both curtainwall and clerestory windows, a spacious multi-purpose room, county clerk teller windows and offices, constables' offices with secured property and an armory, and AgLife offices with a demonstration kitchen and meeting room. The building construction consists of a concrete slab supported by concrete piers, and a steel frame with light gauge steel infill. Cladding materials including granite, brick and rainscreen metal panels, while roofing includes both low-slope membrane and sloped standing seam metal panels. The project includes generous provisions for security, IT, and audio-visual systems. New mechanical, electrical and plumbing systems will deliver excellent comfort, convenience and light to the building. Question Deadline 07/07/2023 at 5:00 PM CT The budget for this project is approximately $9,830,000.00

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701 S Interstate 35 East Service Rd, Waxahachie, TX

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