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Published June 8, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a swimming pool in Cortland, New York. Completed plans call for the renovation of a swimming pool.

SUNY Cortland's Department of Facilities Planning Design and Construction is seeking design recommendations, complete design documents and contract administration services for minor repairs to the Holstein Pool at Park Center on the SUNY Cortland Main Campus. Consultant's Questionnaire, completed for the prime consultant and each major subconsultant, addressing items 1 through 9 in the two page format provided (the questionnaire may exceed two pages but should not be more than three in order to appropriately list responses). Responses to questions 6 and 7 should be inserted in space after each item and should include only the project name, brief description, construction cost, completion date and the percentage your design member devoted to that project. More detailed information will be provided in section 4. IT IS MANDATORY THAT EACH QUESTION BE ANSWERED AT THIS POINT IN THE SUBMISSION. It is NOT permissible to present the Questionnaire in a form other than that provided. Please note that the Consultant's Questionnaire is required by SUNY regulations and must be submitted; Scope of Services INVESTIGATIVE STUDY & ANALYSIS / SCHEMATIC DESIGN: 1) A complete analysis of all applicable codes as they pertain to this scope of work. 2) Preparation of a complete program defining the goals of the project and the scope of work necessary to achieve those goals. 3) Interviews with campus personnel and proposed occupants to verify project components. 4) Preparation of a schematic design, including all possible options that will meet the program needs of the project. 5) Preparation of a schedule defining the duration of full design services and construction. 6) Preparation of a project budget with a sufficient work breakdown structure to show basic project elements. 7) Services will also include design to remove existing drain inlet and piping through pool wall back to existing PVC flange, provide new pool inlet fittings and piping through wall and connect to existing PVC piping; infill of underwater lights; repair or replace pool tile; recommission pool to assure water quality and integrated function of new materials and existing materials and equipment; achieve Health Department compliance and approval to operate, if required.


Swimming Pools


Public - City


Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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Holstein Pool Minor Repairs

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