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Published July 6, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a mixed-use development in Morgantown, West Virginia. Working plans call for site work for a playground / park / athletic field; sidewalk / parking lot; and transportation facility.

Project canceled. Rebid details pending. West Virginia University on behalf of its Board of Governors ("BOG") located in Morgantown, West Virginia ("WVU" or "University") is initiating this Request for Bids ("RFB") from qualified, experienced, and licensed Contractors for the demo and replacement of fencing surrounding the Health Science Center ("HSC") Personal Rapid Transit ("PRT"). Demolition of existing chain link fence to be replaced by secure wrought iron fencing with multiple man- and equipment gates Add Alternate 1 Towers Station - Installation of three hundred and eighty-eight feet (388 ft.) of 8 ft. tall, black, wrought iron-style ornamental steel security fence including three 5ft. wide personnel gates and two eight feet (8 ft.) wide equipment gates (see sample detail and plan). Scope also includes removal of existing steel fence and gates, including the sections mounted to concrete wing walls in concourse area between platforms. Following fence removal, concrete walls will be cleaned, patched, and rubbed to a uniform surface/appearance. Add Alternate 2 Engineering Station to Towers Station - Installation of one thousand, six hundred and eighty-three feet (1,683 ft.) of chain link fence from the guideway underpass south of Engineering Station to Towers Station (see attached plan). Scope includes removal and disposal of existing section of fence. The new fence will consist of an eight feet (8 ft.) tall, galvanized, chain-link security fence (2 in. mesh) and associated gates. All posts to be installed with cast-in-place concrete footings with an embedment depth of thirty-six inches (36 in). Concrete shall extend two (2) inches above grade, with smooth surface that slopes to grade for shedding water. - Line Posts = 2.375 inches in diameter. - End, Corner, and Pull Posts = 4.0 inches in diameter. - All posts shall include post caps. - Tension wire (top and bottom) = 0.177 inches in diameter. - All components (including wire ties) will be zinc-coated steel with black polymer topcoat (PVC as per ASTM F668). - Chain-link fence and gate frameworks shall withstand the design wind loads and stresses for fence height(s) and under exposure conditions indicated according to ASCE/SEI 7. Add Alternate 3 Rec Fields - Installation of eight hundred and forty-eight feet (848 ft.) of chain link fence from, and including, the Towers Station transformer enclosure to the Plan, Design, Construction and Scheduling ("PDCS") parking lot area (see attached plan). Scope includes removal and disposal of existing section of fence. The new fence will consist of an eight feet (8 ft.) tall, galvanized, chain-link security fence (2 in. mesh) and associated gates. All posts to be installed with cast-in-place concrete footings with an embedment depth of thirty-six inches (36 in). Concrete shall extend 2 inches above grade, with smooth surface that slopes to grade for shedding water. - Line Posts = 2.375 inches in diameter. - End, Corner, and Pull Posts = 4.0 inches in diameter. - All posts shall include post caps. - Tension wire (top and bottom) = 0.177 inches in diameter. - All components (including wire ties) will be zinc-coated steel with black polymer topcoat (PVC as per ASTM F668). - Chain-link fence and gate frameworks shall withstand the design wind loads and stresses for fence height(s) and under exposure conditions indicated according to ASCE/SEI 7. There will be Phased Completion on this project: Health Science Center: September 15, 2023 Towers: August 11, 2023 Engineering and Rec Fields: October 1, 2023 Final Completion is considered when project site is de-mobilized and all project documents listed in Close-Out section of the specifications has been sent to the owner. LIQUIDATED DAMAGES - The Contractor shall achieve Substantial and Final Completion of the entire Work as calculated or indicated above. The date of issuance of the West Virginia University's Notice to Proceed or Executed Agreement shall be used to calculate Substantial and Final Completion of contract time stated in number of consecutive calendar days or established date. Time is of the essence. Liquidated Damages shall be Two Hundred and Fifty Dollars ($250) per Calendar Day of delay in achieving the Phased Completions. The following Bonds will be required with award: Performance Bond Labor and Material Bond

Final Planning

Transportation Terminals


Public - City

Site Work

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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June 19, 2023

July 19, 2023


Multiple Locations, Morgantown, WV

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