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Published August 10, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of an elderly care / assisted living facility in East Windsor, New Jersey. Conceptual plans call for the renovation of a elderly care / assisted living facility.

The Township of East Windsor in Mercer County, New Jersey invites bidders to submit bids for air conditioning condenser unit replacement at the East Windsor Township Senior Center. Bids are being solicited through a fair and open process in accordance with N.J.S.A. 19:44A-20.5 et seq. The original portion of the Senior Center receives air conditioning from three (3) 7.5-ton Trane air conditioning condenser units and two (2) 10-ton Trane air conditioning condenser units. The Contractor awarded this contract shall replace and install all five (5) of the original air conditioning condenser units at the Senior Center in accordance with these specifications and all applicable laws, regulations, codes, and ordinances. The Contractor shall provide new air conditioning condenser units that are 1.) compatible with the existing HVAC systems in the Senior Center and 2.) equivalent in nature to the five (5) original air conditioning condenser units listed above. Please refer to the attached documents for further information on the building's HVAC systems. This contract is all-inclusive. The Contractor shall perform all work and labor, provide all five (5) new condenser units, and provide all other equipment, materials, and supplies required to provide the Senior Center with fully operational air conditioning in the original portion of the building. The Township shall not pay any additional fines, fees, or costs to ensure the new five (5) air conditioning condenser units installed under this contract are fully operational. Once the Contractor has all the equipment and materials in his/her possession, the Contractor's work shall include but not be limited to: o remove the old air conditioning condenser units; o salvage and provide the Township with any materials or equipment the Township requests to be salvaged from the old air conditioning condenser units; o properly dispose of all other old equipment and materials in accordance with all applicable local, state, and federal laws and regulations; o install the new air conditioning condenser units; o prepare the new air conditioning condenser units for proper function and make all necessary connections (e.g., providing and applying coolants and fluids, making connections, power, etc.); o test and balance the air conditioning condenser units and entire Senior Center to ensure the new air conditioning condenser units properly cool the building and circulate air; and o provide reports documenting that the new air conditioning condenser units are functioning properly and the building meets code in accordance with industry standards and local, state, and federal laws and regulations, as applicable. All questions must be addressed to the Municipal Clerk, Allison Quigley. Any questions asked and answered orally, either at the site visit or at any other time, will not be considered binding. If bidders would like definitive answers, bidders must submit their questions in writing to the Municipal Clerk via email at: clerk@east-windsor.nj.us. The deadline for questions is June 6, 2023 at 4:30 PM (local time).

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Elderly Care / Assisted Living


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40 Lanning Blvd, East Windsor, NJ

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