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Published April 11, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and paving for a mixed-use development in Asheville, North Carolina. Completed plans call for site work for a road / highway; for paving for a road / highway; sidewalk / parking lot; sidewalk / parking lot; and water / sewer project.

All questions concerning this Advertisement for Bids should be submitted via email to: Chuck Watson, Project Manager cwatson@ashevillenc.gov Questions pertaining to the bid will be answered in the form of a written addenda posted to the City of Asheville's bid page no later than (7) days before the opening of bids. Asheville Business Inclusion Policy: The City of Asheville has adopted the Asheville Business Inclusion Policy to encourage women and minority businesses' participation in the public bidding process. The purpose of this outreach effort is to increase the likelihood of availability and utilization of MWBEs in the award of contracts. Bidders are hereby notified that this Bid is subject to that Policy's provisions. Questions regarding the Asheville Business Inclusion Policy may be directed to the Office of Economic Development, City of Asheville, Post Office Box 7148, Asheville, NC 28802-7148 or by phone at (828) 259-8050 or by email abi@ashevillenc.gov. Bidders are invited to show proof of MWBE , to include NC Office of Historically Underutilized Businesses or other MWBE certifications. If not already certified with the ABI Office at the City of Asheville, bidders are further invited to become certified with the City of Asheville as an MWBE vendor. Please use this link: ABI Certifications is the Policy of the City to (1) provide minorities and women an equal opportunity to participate in all aspects of its contracting and procurement programs and (2) to prohibit any and all discrimination against persons or businesses in pursuit of these opportunities. Certification of a Drug-Free Workplace: Prospective Contractors are notified that the City of Asheville has adopted a Drug-Free Workplace Policy requiring successful firms to insure that a drug-free workplace is provided in the performance of any City of Asheville contract. By submitting a bid, the Prospective Contractor certifies that if awarded the Contract, they and their subcontractors shall comply with the City's Drug-Free Workplace Policy. The policy may be viewed at the following: DrugPolicy Bid Submittals: The City has prepared this Advertisement for Bids which identifies the services to be undertaken. In order to be considered, all bids must be submitted in writing no later than the bid due date, at which time bids will opened and read aloud. Contractors mailing bid packages should allow delivery time to ensure timely receipt of their proposal. The responsibility for getting their bid to the City of Asheville on or before the specified time and date is solely and strictly the responsibility of the proposing contractor. The City will in no way be responsible for delays caused by any occurrence. Hand Deliveries: +DQG GHOLYHUHG ELGV PD\ EH GURSSHG LQWR WKH ER[ E\ WKH ELGGHUV 3OHDVH UHPLQG ELGGHUV to SEAL their bids which means to glue or tape, not simply close the clasp on a manilla envelope. Note: Bidder shall not deliver to any individual. This is the only official location for formal bid deliveries. Courier Deliveries: 6HFXULW\ ZLOO EH UHVSRQVLEOH IRU FRXULHU GHOLYHULHV VXFK DV )HG([ RU 836 mainly purchasing bids) and Security will sign for these and drop them in the box. Note: Security will NOT be responsible for other courier deliveries. All Courier deliveries can be addressed to: City of Asheville 70 Court Plaza Security Guards Asheville, NC 28801 Attn: (Project Manager's Name) Bid #:%7&: Bid Name/Description:%HQW 7UHH DQG &UHVWZRRG 5RDGV 6OLGH 6WDELOL]DWLRQ Hours of Operation: 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. (EST), Monday through Friday.V Miscellaneous Requirements of the Bid: All bids must be submitted on the form of Bid Proposal provided. All bidders are required to submit cash, a cashier's check, or certified check in an amount equal to five percent (5%) of the bid proposal. In lieu of said money, the bidder can submit a bid executed by a corporate surety licensed in North Carolina to execute said bonds. This deposit shall be retained be retained if the lowest responsible bidder failed to execute the contract within ten (10) days of the award or fails to give satisfactory surety as required in North Carolina General Statutes Section 143- 129. All bids and bid bonds shall be sealed in two (2) separate envelopes and shall not be opened prior to the time set for the bid opening. Until bid opening time, the City may return the bid to the bidder for modification or change-out of bid. No bid may be withdrawn after bids have been opened, except as provided in North Carolina General Statutes Section 143-129.1. The successful bidder will be required to furnish a performance bond and a payment bond in the amount of one hundred percent (100%) of the contract amount. Those bonds shall meet the requirements of North Carolina General Statutes Section 143-129 and of Article 3 of Chapter 44A of the North Carolina General Statutes.

Under Construction

Roads / Highways


Public - City

Paving, Site Work




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