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Published June 22, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a mixed-use development in Monroe, Michigan. Completed plans call for the renovation of a educational facility.

The Monroe County Intermediate School District (MCISD) has 7 meeting rooms that we are upgrading audio visual equipment and controls. We are interested in utilizing a Q-SYS platform, but we are open for consideration of Crestron or other reputable brands that can address the requirements of this RFP. Any questions concerning the bid should be directed to Nicholas Hay. Monroe County ISD has 7 meeting rooms that we are upgrading audio visual equipment and controls. We are interested in utilizing a Q-SYS platform, but we are open for consideration of Crestron or other reputable brands that can address the requirements of this RFP. The primary goal of this project is to upgrade existing AV technology and standardize all our meeting rooms to have a consistent user experience. All meeting rooms will have the following requirements that are described in more detail later in this RFP. o AV Podium o Touch Screen Controls o Audio Speakers for AV sources o AV sources to allow connections from a desktop, laptop, or mobile device o Removal of all wall mounted AV cabinets o Microsoft Teams Meeting Room Scheduler display outside of the meeting room While most of the requirements are identical in all the meeting rooms, below are a few differences based on 2 groups of meeting rooms: o Four (4) River Raisin Meeting Rooms o AV automation to have AV span multiple rooms based on room(s) layout o Replace all wireless microphones o New Laser Projectors o Replace projector screens to leverage the higher resolution projectors o Provide 2 streaming outputs in rooms o 2 Assistive Listening Systems with at least 4 receivers each for ADA o Three (3) smaller meeting rooms (Banner Oak, Lake Erie) o Microsoft Teams Meeting Room Systems Later in the RFP, we have the conference rooms layout map along with images of the AV closet and each meeting room for you to reference.




Public - County


Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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Multiple Locations, Monroe, MI

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