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This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Holly Springs, North Carolina. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

PURPOSE The Town of Holly Springs (Town) is seeking Statement of Qualifications from licensed Engineering firms for professional services in the preparation of an update to the Reclaimed Water Master Plan [Davis Martin Powell (DMP), 2016]. The master plan serves as a planning tool for the expansion of the Town's reclaimed water generation and distribution infrastructure. RFQ responses must satisfy the minimum criteria outlined in the scope of work in this document to be responsive to this solicitation. Any modifications or enhancements proposed beyond the identified scope of work outlined in this document must be clearly identified. The successful consultant must demonstrate previous similar project expertise, working knowledge of the Town, technical capabilities of proposed staff, and a solid understanding of the proposed scope of work and issues. The consultant must also possess sufficient technical and staff availability to complete project within the expected timeline. BACKGROUND The Town of Holly Springs (Town) is a midsized community of approximately 47,000 people, located just 19 miles southwest of Raleigh in Wake County. The Town originated around cool waters that steadily trickled from resilient, deep aquifers and ran past 40-foot holly trees, providing a source of drinking water for the bustling village. Holly Springs' rich history is marked by periods of vitality and prosperity, interspersed with economic recessions, usually brought on by wars. A public water system was established in 1968, but it was not until 1985 when the Town's first sewer plant was built that Holly Springs' star began to rise. Once the Town had full utility services to offer business and residential developers, the small town population boomed from less than 1,000 persons in 1990, and growth has not stopped since. The Town's population has averaged 6% increase annually over the past five years and is projected to exceed 50,000 by 2024. The initial phase (c. 2000-2010) of the Town's Reclaimed Water system was planned as a component of larger town wide initiatives, including the Comprehensive Land Use Plan and the Secondary & Cumulative Impacts Master Mitigation Plan. Both of these plans were aimed at allowing the Town to develop in a manner that minimized adverse environmental impacts and preserved valuable resources by minimizing wastewater discharge, conserving potable water supply, and protecting potable water quality. The initial Wastewater Reuse Master Plan (The Wooten Company, 2000) was developed to guide the Town in the phased construction of its reuse system. The distribution system was placed into service in June 2010, and a comprehensive Reclaimed Water System Master Plan Report (DMP, 2016) was updated to identify reclaimed water improvements beneficial to the Town and citizens of Holly Springs, as the system continued to grow. SCOPE OF WORK In response to residential and non-residential growth, the Town of Holly Springs intends to hire a NC Licensed Professional Engineer to provide an update to the 2016 Reclaimed Water System Master Plan Report, focusing on: Future reclaimed water demand projections, Hydraulic modeling, Wastewater flow necessary to meet projected reclaimed demand and support the hydraulic model, Infrastructure needs, including potential phasing options, Best industry practices, particularly regarding innovative measures to maximize industrial reclaimed uses through increased water quality or other alternatives. and Other considerations for promoting the Town's strategic initiatives and long range goals. PROPOSAL STRUCTURE The proposal must address all elements of the scope of work as outlined in the section above. Any modifications or enhancements proposed beyond the identified scope of work outlined in this document must be clearly identified. Proposal Format The proposal cannot exceed 25 pages in length. The proposal title page is NOT counted within the 25-page limit. Please use 11 or larger point font size for readability. Appendices are not allowed and will not be reviewed, with the exception of attached resumes. Proposals should demonstrate that the responder fully understands the intent of the project, the character of the required deliverables, and the plan development process. In addition, the level of technical qualifications to supply the required services must be clearly demonstrated. In order to assist in the evaluation process, please include the following requirements in the proposal document: Cover Letter [no more than one (1) page and counts within 25-page limit] The letter must be signed by an individual with authority to legally represent the entity submitting the proposal. Project Approach/Work Plan/Demonstrated Project Experience This section should include a detailed description of the proposer's understanding of the intent, objectives, and overall approach to the project. The proposer should identify the level of assistance required from the Town and/or project partners to complete each task. Schedule (showing all milestones, critical stakeholder/public meetings, and deliverables to maintain project progress by the project end date) The response submitted shall contain all information as requested herein and should be limited to a maximum of 25 pages, including any additional information necessary to summarize the overall benefit of the proposal to the Town. This solicitation does not commit the Town of Holly Springs to award a contract, to pay any cost incurred with the preparation of a submittal, or to procure or contract for services or supplies. The Town of Holly Springs reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals received in response to this request, to negotiate with any qualified source, or cancel in whole or part this proposal process, if it is in the best interest of the Town to do so. Subsequent to contract negotiations, prospective consultants may be required to submit revisions to their proposals. All proposers should note that any contract pursuant to this solicitation is dependent upon the recommendation of the Town staff and the approval of the Holly Springs Town Council.


Water / Sewer

Public - City

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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July 1, 2024


Multiple Locations, Holly Springs, NC

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