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Published July 1, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a mixed-use development in Bloomington, Indiana. Completed plans call for the renovation of a 40,000-square-foot, two-story above grade laboratory facility.

Pre-bid questions shall be submitted to the Owners Representative for inclusion of all answers and distributed to all bidders via Addenda. 1.1 Schedule construction work between 7:00 AM to 6:00 PM on weekdays. Indicate in the Bid Documents if Work outside of this schedule is required. 1.2 The IU Construction Manager will arrange for access to be issued to the Contractor to buildings or rooms. The Contractor is required to fill out a form for the keys and is liable for the cost of rekeying if the keys are lost or not returned. All project sites are to be secured during non-work hours to prevent unauthorized access and safety hazards to project site. 1.3 Excessive noise from construction activities may require rescheduling or off hours to avoid quiet week, finals week, graduation ceremonies, or at the request of the Owner. The IU Construction Manager will schedule the Preconstruction Meeting. The Contractor shall perform all labor, furnish all materials and equipment necessary to complete the contract for all work, all in accordance with the Contract Documents prepared by Architect of Record, A Unified Bid is requested for all work in this project, including General, Mechanical, and Electrical Construction work. All bid proposals shall be in full accord with the Bidding Documents, which are on file with the Owner and may be examined by prospective Bidders: VPCPF Support Resources - Construction Procurement Indiana University bidtab@indiana.edu 812-855-5294 Each bid must be accompanied by: a completed Minority, Womens and Veterans Business Enterprise Participation Plan, detailing the good faith efforts of the contractor to include minority, women and veteran-owned enterprises as subcontractors or material suppliers on the Project. a bid security for 5% of the total bid; and the contractors written drug testing program, which must be in full compliance with IC 4-13-18. The Owner reserves the right to accept or reject any bid and to waive any irregularities in bidding. The Owner may consider a bid to be incomplete if it does not provide the required documentation as described in this Notice, including but not limited to the Minority, Womens and Veterans Business Enterprise Participation Plan. The Base Bid may be held for a period not to exceed sixty days before awarding Contracts. All Alternate Bids may be held for a period not to exceed ninety days before award and incorporation into the contract by proper Change Directive. Should a successful Bidder withdraw his bid, or fail to execute a satisfactory Contract within ten days after notice of acceptance of bid, the Owner may declare the Bid Security forfeited as liquidated damages, not as penalty Scan a copy of the check (for shipping and delivery orders) to Eastern Engineering-Fishers Office, fishersplanroom@easternengineering.com AND deliver the original check (for all orders) to Eastern Engineering-Fishers Office, 9901 Allisonville Rd, Fishers IN 46038. Digital and Printed Sets of Bidding Documents may be ordered per the options listed on the Order page (plus Processing Fee/Eco Fee, and Shipping/Delivery and Tax when applicable). Credit Card or Eastern Engineering Charge Account required (before printing) for purchases.

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2719 E 10th St, Bloomington, IN

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