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Published June 14, 2023 at 8:00 PM
Updated October 1, 2024
Demolition and renovation of a medical facility in Prescott, Arizona. Completed plans call civil work for a hospital.
The site visit has been delayed until 6/20/2023 @ 10:00 AM and RFIs have been extended until 6/27/2023 @ 2:00 PM. 02 41 00 - Demolition 02 41 19 - Selective Demolition 03 00 00 - Concrete 21 00 00 - Fire Suppression 22 00 00 - Plumbing 23 00 00 - Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) 26 00 00 - Electrical 28 00 00 - Electronic Safety and Security 31 00 00 - Earthwork 33 00 00 - Utilities This project is to replace the current service entrance switchgear for Building 107, relocate it to allow for future expansion in the "B" courtyard and address security issues that were identified during the facility 2018 Physical Security review. Security The C&A requirements do not apply, and a Security Accreditation Package is not required. NAVAHCS Historic District Requirements Buildings 107 is listed as a historic structure on the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP), and the majority of the NAVAHCS site is listed on the NRHP as the Fort Whipple Historic District. A significant effect this has on construction is the requirement for an archaeological monitor to be present during any excavation work that has not been previously disturbed, regardless of depth The certification requirements for the monitor can be found at The Secretary of the Interior Professional Qualifications Standards | U.S. Department of the Interior ( Project Background The original hospital was built in 1931, in Prescott, AZ. However, in 1980, "SES-107" was replaced. "SES- 107" is approximately 32 years old. With the life expectancy of electrical equipment rated for 25 years, "SES-107" has exceeded its life span. Additionally, replacement parts and circuit breakers are no longer readily available. The upgraded cabinet was installed in front of the old existing cabinet using the existing cabinet as a pull/splice box for the existing feeders. The existing "DB-107" is approximately 27 years old. With the life expectancy for electrical equipment rated for 25 years, this distribution board has exceeded its life expectancy. The down-stream circuit breakers feeders exit the distribution cabinet through the cabinet of the "SES-107". This is in violation of the current National Electric Code (NEC). Multiple modifications and upgrades took place over the years that are also not up to current NEC Standards or VA Standards. Project Overview The proposal received from the NAVAHCS calls for the relocation of main distribution switchboard SES-107 and existing transformers PM4 and PM5 will be replaced and relocated as follows: o SES-107 will be replaced and relocated to Building 107 Room 016. The initial sizing of equipment and clearances provided by Room 016 will require a second means of egress out of this room. It is the intent to remove the existing Mechanical thru wall equipment in the Southeast corner of the room and provide a new exit in that location. The existing door from the adjacent room is 6'-4" tall so a taller opening will need to be cut allowing a 7'-0" door to be placed in this location. Existing Utility Piping in Room 016 will need to be relocated so they are not directly above new switchgear. Refer to all other narratives for more detailed information on their specific scopes. o PM4 and PM5 will be replaced and relocated near PM 17 on the southern end of the courtyard. New feeders are to run deep enough to allow for new building foundations proposed for infilling the existing courtyard (at least 24"). The original intent was to enclose within a blast screen wall system per PSRDM 6.6 the new Transformers. However, after looking at all the Physical Security requirements, it was agreed that providing a secure entrance into the courtyard would be a better and more cost-effective option. See the updated "AE Physical Security Risk Mitigation Design Guidance- Prescott 649-18-105- Replace B107 Electric" Report included in this package. o Existing underground primary transformer feeders will be intercepted and extended as needed. o New distribution feeders will be routed directly to new SES-107 and the Essential Emergency System Distribution Board(s). o Design includes replacement of all secondary feeders from new SES and emergency ATS to first panel boards. o Design will include all work required to relocate existing utilities and equipment impacted by the relocations. o PM14 and RAD-l07 are no longer needed due to the relocation of the Radiology department. Design will include removal and disposal of this equipment. o The roof mounted MCC-2 service will continue to be fed from PM17. o Design will include disposal of all items replaced or removed from service. o Phasing is critical and will be complex, so coordination with the VA is required during demolition and construction. o Drawings will indicate that new grounding rods will be provided as part of the current EHRM project. Location of these will be noted on the Drawings, but Contractor will need to coordinate with VA once they are installed. o It was determined to use a triple authentication gate arm and anti-ram bollards at the main entrance to the courtyard area to protect the new electrical transformers as well as the existing electrical and mechanical equipment in leu of blast proof walls around the new electrical transformers. After our initial site visit it was determined the installation of the electrical equipment in this location requires some interior modifications. The following items are shown on our architectural drawings o New interior wall and access door to separate this space from the crawlspace to the south. o Remove existing 3'-0" x 6'-0" door frame between rooms 014 and 016 and replace with new 3'-0" x 7'-0" door and frame o Remove existing mechanical unit in existing window and replace with new blast rated exit door on west side of room. This will provide a second means of egress from this space. Construction Phasing The project's successful completion is dependent upon a coordinated phasing plan which permits the construction to proceed in an efficient and orderly manner, allowing VA staff to perform their duties with minimal disruption. Work must be phased, so the facilities are still able to operate while this work is being performed. Ultimately, the precise sequence will be determined after a contractor has been selected and consultations among the hospital staff, facilities personnel, contractor, and architect/ engineer can be arranged. A staging plan will be prepared by the contractor for construction materials, contractor and material access, engineering staff access, and clean up. All work must be performed while allowing the necessary normal operating access around the building. Project Overview and Background Overall Project Summary The project involves the replacement of the existing electrical service, new site electrical equipment, new concrete sidewalk with ADA ramps and new PSRDM triple authentication security gate and anti-ram bollards. Circulation Study Vehicular traffic patterns will be affected during the trenching for the new electrical feeders. The contractor should phase the trenching and pavement removal to maintain access to all portions of the building during construction. Traffic patterns will remain unchanged in the proposed conditions. The staging area should be coordinated directly with the VA COR to determine the best location that meets the project's requirements. Two suggested locations for the contractor staging area are to the west of the loading area and within the parking area north of Colonel Holmberg Road. Phasing Analysis The contractor will need to phase the demolition and construction of the new electrical duct bank. Portions of the trench should be fully demoed, conduit installed and new concrete pavement poured prior to beginning on the next phase. Parking Analysis No existing parking spaces will be affected by the proposed construction. Storm Drainage No new storm sewer or modifications to existing storm sewer are expected as a part of this project. Utilities No new sanitary sewer utilities are expected to be part of the project's scope. The new electrical feeders will cross the existing 8-inch sanitary sewer in two locations. The existing sanitary sewer is approximately 4-ft deep and will need to be protected throughout construction. The contractor should complete exploratory excavations to locate the sanitary on site prior to starting construction of the electrical duct bank. DIVISION 26 ELECTRICAL GENERAL The following is a summary of the electrical scope of work: 1. Replace the existing pad-mounted transformers "PM-4" and "PM-5", as well as the main, normal-power electrical distribution switchboard "SES-107" located behind Building 107. 2. Re-feed the existing, normal-power branch circuits from the new main switchboard. 3. Remove the existing, pad-mounted transformer "PM-14", panel "RAD-107", and feeders previously serving the hospital CT and MRI. 4. Maintain "PM-17" and the roof mounted motor control center "MCC-2". 5. Provide new electrical distribution equipment to replace the existing equipment on the raised platform. All new equipment shall be placed in Building 107, room 016. 6. Re-feed all existing loads (panelboards, ATSs, individual loads) currently fed directly from SES-107. 7. Re-feed essential power distribution boards or panels downstream of the re-fed ATSs. 8. Due to vehicle screening being introduced, rerouted buried utilities will be exempt from blast protection per PSRDM 7.2.5. See "AE Physical Security Risk Mitigation Design Guidance Prescott 649-18-102 Replace B107 Electric" report included in this narrative set. 9. Provide power and data to new security gate on site. Demolition of electrical work will include: 1. Removal of existing building service transformers "PM-4" and "PM-5", electrical switchboard "SES-107, unused transformer "PM-14", and unused panel "RAD-107". 2. Removal of all primary and secondary conduits and feeders for "PM-4", "PM-5", and "PM-14". 3. Removal of all secondary feeders from "SES-107" to downstream loads. 4. Removal of all secondary feeders from existing ATS's to their first downstream board, panel, or load. 5. Relocation of existing panels "107-BCX-3" and "107-BCX-4A" and miscellaneous other existing conduit necessary for proper clearances of the new distribution panel "SES-107" in Building 107, room 016. SITE POWER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEMS 1. Switchboard Replacement: A. Building 107 is currently fed from two outdoor, pad-mounted transformers (PM-4 and PM-5) in a main-tie-main configuration with switchboard SES-107. The existing equipment layout and electrical one-line diagram can be seen in appendix A. B. The existing main-tie-main switchboard configuration has been reviewed against the NEC and VA Electrical Design Manual to determine if the main-tie-main configuration is required in a new switchboard. Based on the NEC and VA Electrical Design Manual, the main-tie-main configuration is not required, as there is a building emergency generator that supplies power to the essential electrical system in the building. C. The NEC requires that a hospital or health care facility have two independent sources of power: one for the normal service and one for the essential electrical distribution when the normal source is not available. For Building 107, this can be achieved with a single pad-mounted transformer and the existing emergency generator that currently serves the existing life safety, critical, and equipment branches in the hospital. The overall goal for serving hospital and health care facilities is to avoid having a single point of failure of the electrical system serving patient care areas. D. Existing panelboards 107-BCX-4 and 107-BCX-4(A) will be demolished to make room for the new main switchboard being newly located inside room 016. All existing loads in this panel will be consolidated onto one new panelboard of the same name. The new panel will be placed on a new wall in the room. E. Minimum required clearance between front planes of panels and switchboard is 36" [NEC Table 110.26(A)(1) Condition 3 for systems 120V line-to-ground]. F. Switchboards of 1200A or greater and more than 6'-0" in length are required to have one means of egress at each end of the working space for a total of two. Engineers will take advantage of exception presented for doubling the working space between live front assemblies [NEC 110.26(C)(2)(b) Extra Working Space]. This makes the clearance requirement 72", which is estimate to be exceeded with approximately 81" between equipment. Engineer is currently VA PROJECT NUMBER PROJECT NAME 649-18-102 (Spur #1395.29) Replace Hospital (Building 107) Electrical Service SUBMITTAL Bid Documents SUBJECT Electrical Narrative Electrical-3 planning to include the additional means of egress to meet code and to allow for future maintenance on electrical equipment. G. A single pad-mounted transformer with dual primary connections will be integrated with the existing campus loop to serve Building 107. The following items are important to note: i. The NAVAHCS campus currently has a single campus standby generator to supply power in the event of loss of power from either or both of the public utility campus connections. It is unknown by Spur Design if there is the ability to connect a mobile generator into the system. Modifications for this variance are not part of the project scope of work. ii. Building 107 does not have N+1 redundancy of the building essential electrical system (emergency) generator. The existing emergency switchboard does have a spare circuit breaker where a mobile generator or additional generator could be connected into the system. Modifications for this variance are not part of the project scope of work. iii. The proposed new switchboard does not have draw-out, low-voltage circuit breakers. This variance needs to be discussed with the VA. The VA topology shows this arrangement as a possible arrangement, but no other VA standards are known to require the use of draw-out, low-voltage circuit breakers. The use of draw-out, low-voltage circuit breakers will require larger electrical distribution equipment to be installed in a space that is larger than room 016, which is not readily available, but could be provided as an addition. Draw-out circuit breakers would also increase the cost of the new switchboard. Spur Design recommends the use of standard lowvoltage circuit breakers to keep the cost of the project within a reasonable budget. iv. The dual feeds to the pad-mounted transformer should be kept in separate duct banks and manholes. If both feeds route back to the same manhole, additional construction cost will be required to separate these into separate manhole feeds. v. Upon approval of Deviation to the AHJ, exterior transformers will be surrounded by anti-ram and covered by trespass analytics SSTV in lieu of a blast screen wall system. See "AE Physical Security Risk Mitigation Design Guidance Prescott 649-18-102 Replace B107 Electric" report included in this narrative set. 2. Main Normal Power Distribution Switchboard SES-107 Replacement: A. The proposed switchboard will be fed from a single, new, pad-mounted transformer "PM-4" located at grade level in the existing service yard located between Buildings 160 and 162. This transformer will serve the new, normalpower switchboard "SES-107". Refer to the drawings for the proposed electrical one-line diagram. This transformer will also have a separate service entrance feed to an 800A fused disconnect switch on the exterior of the building to properly feed the fire pump's automatic transfer switch. Per the NEC, fire pumps VA PROJECT NUMBER PROJECT NAME 649-18-102 (Spur #1395.29) Replace Hospital (Building 107) Electrical Service SUBMITTAL Bid Documents SUBJECT Electrical Narrative Electrical-4 are required to be tapped off ahead of building main service disconnecting means. The current feed to the fire pump within the main-tie-main downstream distribution is only allowed if all of the main-tie-main circuit breakers operate in the closed positions, ensuring that other downstream loads cannot trip the main circuit breaker off-line thus losing power to the normal side of the fire pump's automatic transfer switch. B. The new switchboard is recommended in an indoor NEMA 1 enclosure with a pull section, main circuit breaker section, and two distribution sections. Two different locations were considered for the location of the new switchboard: one was the exterior of the building, and the other was Mechanical Room 016. The exterior option is not recommended at this time as a future project intends to provide a new building in this area. In order to provide the new service in Room 016, a "top-hat" will need to be constructed above the switchboard. This will require the relocation of numerous other utilities including a vacuum return line, natural gas line, two steam lines, a fiber-optic cable, and numerous electrical and fire alarm conduits. The existing fuel line to the emergency generator will require some reconfiguration. C. After installing the new transformer and switchboard, the existing normal loads can be re-fed from the new service. D. Once the existing loads have been re-fed, the primary duct bank loop can be completed to the new transformer "PM-4" and existing transformers "PM-4" and "PM-5" and existing switchboard "SES-107" can be demolished. 3. Pad Mounted Transformer PM-14 serving RAD-107 Removal: A. It is understood by Spur Design that the Radiology Expansion Project has relocated all X-Ray and MRI equipment from the B-wing of the hospital to the A-wing of the hospital, where it is fed from a new 480Y/277V switchboard. Being abandoned in place, pad-mounted transformer "PM-14" and panelboard "RAD-107" will be removed in their entirety. 4. Relocation of equipment from raised concrete electrical pad and provide protective enclosure: A. Relocation of the new, normal-power, pad-mounted transformer and switchboard, as indicated above, will allow the removal of the majority of the raised concrete electrical pad. Spur Design recommends that the existing electrical pull sections, currently located behind the existing switchboard "SES-107" and a walkway approximately 48" wide remain for access and maintenance. The existing stair can be relocated, and a safety handrail installed. SITE LIGHTING SYSTEMS 1. The lighting systems for this work will be minimal and will consist of adding area lights within the service yard to allow for maintenance of the electrical systems at night. All lights will be wall-mounted LED wall packs with 4000K color temperature and connected to a critical branch circuit. Light levels will meet the VA Lighting Design Manual VA PROJECT NUMBER PROJECT NAME 649-18-102 (Spur #1395.29) Replace Hospital (Building 107) Electrical Service SUBMITTAL Bid Documents SUBJECT Electrical Narrative Electrical-5 requirements, and emergency battery back-up wall packs will be provided around any new exterior electrical distribution equipment where required per the design manual. 2. Fixtures will be full-cutoff type to meet Dark Sky Initiatives. The VA Lighting Design Manual requires exterior LED fixtures to meet a minimum color rendering index (CRI) of 85. Manufacturers have standardized on a CRI of 70 for exterior lighting. Higher CRI's are available, but fixture type/style selection is limited, and this requirement adds cost and lead time for fixture delivery for projects. A minimum CRI of 70 will be provided. 3. Lighting controls will be local switches unless the VA desires that these lights be on the building timeclock with the existing building-mounted exterior lighting. BUILDING POWER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEMS 1. Modifications to the existing building power distribution system will be minimal. All distribution panels and panelboards currently being fed from switchboard "SES-107" will be re-fed from the new switchboard located in Mechanical Room 016. BUILDING LIGHTING SYSTEMS 1. Modifications to the existing building lighting will be minimal. It will include removal of the existing light fixtures in Mechanical Room 016 and replacing with new 4' LED strip fixtures. ELECTRICAL CALCULATIONS 1. Voltage drop calculations will be performed for all new feeders and branch circuits. Feeders and branch circuits will be sized to limit voltage drop to the levels recommended by the energy code (2% for feeders, 3% for branch circuits, with the combined drop no more than 5%). 2. Preliminary fault currents will be calculated to determine the available interrupting current (AIC) rating at the primary and secondary sides of the transformer and at the loads they serve. These calculations will be performed via SKM PowerTools for Windows software. Final fault current and arc-flash calculations will be performed by the electrical equipment supplier and based upon installed equipment on the project. A protective device coordination study will also be performed by the electrical equipment supplier and all recommended settings will be implemented at the time of installation. GENERAL ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT 1. Medium Voltage Transformers A. All new transformers will meet VA specifications and be 12.47kV-208Y/120V, pad-mounted, oil-filled copper-wound, with dead-front, loop-style primary connections, primary fusing and include fault indicators on all incoming and outgoing primary feeders. The transformer will be installed on concrete pads and will be enclosed within a blast screen wall system. See "AE Physical Security Risk Mitigation Design Guidance Prescott 649-18-102 Replace B107 Electric" report included in this narrative set. Fault currents will be calculated to determine the available interrupting current (AIC) rating at the primary and secondary sides of the transformer and at the loads they serve. These calculations will be performed via SKM PowerTools for Windows software and incorporate information from the existing Electrical Assessment. 2. Site Underground Feeders, Branch Circuits, and Raceways A. Primary, medium voltage feeders will include copper conductors with 15kV insulation and routed within Schedule 80 PVC raceways with concrete-encasement. A spare raceway will be included in the duct bank. B. Secondary service entrance feeders will include copper conductors with 600V insulation, rated for underground installation, and routed within Schedule 40 PVC raceways with concrete encasement. C. Manholes and handholes will be provided where required to minimize cable pulling tensions. All manhole covers will be lockable per PSRDM. 3. Switchboards and Distribution Panelboards A. New switchboards will be sized for the loads they serve and will include 25% spare capacity and spare space. Bussing will be copper. The switchboard ampere interrupting current (AIC) rating will be fully rated and sized based on the available fault current. Switchboards will be floor mounted on a 4" tall concrete house-keeping pad. B. New distribution panelboards will be sized for the loads they serve and will include 30% spare capacity and spare space. Panelboard bussing will be copper. The distribution panelboard ampere interrupting current (AIC) rating will be fully rated and sized based on the available fault current. Floor mounted distribution panelboards will be mounted on a 4" tall concrete house-keeping pad. C. New circuit breakers in the existing switchboard and distribution panelboards will have available ampere interrupting current (AIC) ratings to match the panelboard. 4. Metering and Power Monitoring A. Power monitoring and metering will be provided at the main service equipment. The monitoring/metering equipment will communicate with the VA-centralized remote metering station via a data backbone. The equipment will record, store and trend voltage, current, kW, kWh, kVA, kVAR, power factor, and voltage and current total harmonic distortion. 5. Surge Protection A. A Type 2 Surge Protective Device (SPD) will be provided on the main electrical service and at panelboards that serve sensitive electronic equipment. 6. Disconnect Switches A. New disconnect switches will be provided for equipment. Switches will be heavy duty style, rated for the environment installed in and fused if required to protect equipment from high available fault currents. Disconnecting means will be provided within sight of all motors and other equipment. 7. Building Feeders, Branch Circuits, and Raceways A. All conductors will be copper and routed within raceways. B. A copper ground conductor will be routed with all circuits except building service entrance feeders. C. Minimum raceway size will be 3/4" above grade and 1" below grade. 8. Wiring Devices A. Light switches will be 20 amp rated, heavy-duty type with integral self-grounding mounting strap. 9. Grounding and Bonding A. Service entrance grounding will be provided in accordance with the NEC. Grounding and bonding connections will be made to an external ground rod, the telecommunications ground bus, the water service, structural steel, a concrete-encased electrode (Ufer), and above ground metal piping. B. Ground rods will be copper-clad steel, 3/4 " diameter by 10'-0" long. Ground rods will be provided until the resistance to earth does not exceed 5 ohms. C. Equipment grounding conductors will be installed with all feeders, and power and lighting branch circuits. D. All metallic raceways will be grounded, and the equipment grounding conductor will be bonded to all junction boxes, pull boxes, enclosures and panelboards. 10. Labeling/Nameplates A. All new and/or modified medium-voltage site and building distribution equipment will be provided with new phenolic resin labels screwed to the equipment. Normal power distribution equipment will have white lettering on a black background. Essential electrical distribution equipment will have white lettering on a red background. Lettering will be 1" tall and include the name of the equipment, name of the equipment it is fed from, and the sizes of the conductors that it is fed with. B. All new and/or modified low-voltage building electrical distribution equipment will be provided with new phenolic resin labels screwed to the equipment. Normal power distribution equipment will have white lettering on a black background. Essential electrical distribution equipment will have white lettering on a red background. Lettering will be 1/2 " tall and include the name of the equipment, name of the equipment it is fed from, and the sizes of the conductors that it is fed with. C. All new wiring device cover plates will be labeled with a permanent adhesive label listing panel and circuit feeding the wiring device.
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