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Published August 9, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Demolition and site work for a mixed-use development in Spencer, Massachusetts. Completed plans call civil work for an educational facility.

Complete Demolition and Removal at Lake Street School Required for DCAMM contracts over $150,000, Highway Division contracts over $50,000. Complete demolition and removal of the Lake Street School structure and site amenities at 17 Lake St., Spencer, MA. Estimated Construction Cost for this Project is $701,700 The Project consists of the following: 1. Site Preparation and Temporary Facilities: Prepare site for demolition work including temporary construction fencing and gates, security, erosion and sediment control, dust control and sweeping, waste containers and waste separation, temporary sheds and offices, fire protection, temporary water source for construction purposes, and all other temporary facilities for execution of the work. 2. Building Demolition: Demolition and removal of vacant school buildings (including foundations, basement areas, utility pits, chases and tunnels), paved areas, and all other appurtenances on the site of the former Lake Street School, located at 17 Lake Street, first constructed in 1956. The two-level building has a footprint of 33,674 sq. ft. The lower level is approximately 20,6745 gross sq. ft. with 14,000 of it usable space. The upper level has an approximate area of 33,754 sq. ft. of which 30,346 sq. ft. is usable. 3. Site Elements: Lot size is approximately 23 acres. Remove on-site elements including walkways, asphalt paving, curbing, railings, fence, and other site improvements located on-site. 4. Building Utilities: Utilities servicing the building shall be removed in their entirety including water, sewer, gas, electric, telephone, and communications and other utilities. Where authorized by Owner or utility company service may be abandoned per referenced standards. 5. Hazardous Materials: Provide for legal abatement, removal, and disposal of hazardous materials [Asbestos-Containing Materials (ACM) and Lead-Based Paint Coated Building Materials] per federal, state, and local requirements. Refer to Project Manual Appendix A - HAZARDOUS MATERIALS SURVEY REPORT and Section 02 08 00, HAZARDOUS MATERIAL ABATEMENT SPECIFICATION ASBESTOS/UNIVERSAL WASTE. 6. Restoration of Site: Backfilling of vacated foundation and basement areas with clean compacted fill: provide all filling and grading of all areas to provide a finished grade of areas with required slope and matching existing topography on site and to blend with adjacent properties. Provide all loam for areas to be seeded and provide hydroseeding of these areas and maintain until acceptance. 7. Removal of Temporary Facilities: Provide clean site with temporary facilities removed and area left acceptable to the Town of Spencer.




Public - City

Demolition, Site Work





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July 27, 2023

August 1, 2023


17 Lake St, Spencer, MA

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