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Published July 11, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Demolition and site work for a municipal facility in Allenstown, New Hampshire. Completed plans call for the demolition of a municipal facility; and for site work for a municipal facility.

All Bids shall be made out only on the form included in the specifications package and delivered in sealed, labeled envelope marked: Bid Proposal for Demolition of Nature Center and Spruce Pond Sleeping Cabins and deposited in the bid box located at the reception desk of the Department of Natural and Cultural Resources (DNCR) offices at 172 Pembroke Road in Concord, NH. Bidders are invited to attend the Bid opening. Bids received after the above stated time and date will not be accepted. Questions regarding the Bidding Documents shall be referred to: Department of Natural and Cultural Resources, 172 Pembroke Road, Concord New Hampshire, 03301, Telephone (603) 271-3238, email: Matthew.R.Flanders@dncr.nh.gov attention Matthew Flanders, Bureau of Historic Sites. In most cases the proposal submitted by the qualified bidder with the lowest base bid price shall be selected. However, the Department of Natural and Cultural Resources (DNCR) reserves the right to reject any or all proposals or advertise for new proposals as it judges to be in the best interest of the state. The Project Manager may at any time, by a written order, and without notice to the Sureties, make changes in the Drawings and Specifications and completion date of this contract and within the general scope thereof. In making any change, the additional cost or credit for the change shall be determined as follows: o The order shall stipulate the mutually agreed upon lump sum price which shall be added to or deducted from the contract price. The contractor shall furnish an itemized breakdown of the prices used in computing the value of any change that might be ordered. o If the price change is an addition to the contract price and the work is performed by the general contractor and not a subcontractor, it shall include the contractor's indirect costs as follows: Workmen's Compensation and Employee Liability, Unemployment and Social Security Taxes. o In addition to the above indirect costs, the general contractor shall be allowed a markup not to exceed ten percent (10%). Said ten percent (10%) shall be all inclusive for overhead, supervision, and profit. In addition to this, an allowance shall be made for performance and payment bond additional premiums. o If the price change is an addition to the contract price and involves the work of the general contractor and subcontractor, the general contractor would be allowed ten percent (10%) on that part of the work performed by him and five percent (5%) on that part of the work performed by the subcontractor. The same percentages shall apply to subcontractors. o On any change which involves a net credit to the Owner, no allowance for overhead and profit shall be figured. Technical Questions: Questions regarding the Bidding Documents shall be referred to: Department of Natural and Cultural Resources, 172 Pembroke Road, Concord New Hampshire, 03301, Telephone (603) 271-3238, email: Matthew.R.Flanders@dncr.nh.gov attention Matthew Flanders, Bureau of Historic Sites. Project Awarded to Landmark Construction




Public - State/Provincial

Demolition, Site Work




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July 5, 2023

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Multiple Locations, Allenstown, NH

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