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Published July 3, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a clubhouse / community center in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Completed plans call for the renovation of a clubhouse / community center.

Construction contractors to assist the mount ararat community activity center with construction services for entrance door modification (widening), window replacement/repair, hvac system correction, courtyard clean fill replacement, and hillside groundcover installation. 1. Modify the two main entrances to the building so both entrances can accommodate objects of at least 68 inches wide. 2. Replace/repair damaged double pane windows throughout the building (to be jointly identified by staff and selected contractor). 3. Replace 12" of clay fill with 12" of clean fill in courtyard area of approximately 21.1' x 53.3' (area covering underground detention tanks). 4. Propose and install groundcover for hillsides of lower level outside courtyard adjacent to the building. 5. Inspect HVAC dampers, and repair or replace if damaged or not working properly, or install if missing. 6. Air balance HVAC system. Responsibilities shall include one or more of the following 1. Modify Negley Avenue entrance of the building so that double doors can accommodate objects of at least 68 inches wide and are ADA accessible. 2. Modify Samantha Way entrance of the building so that double doors can accommodate objects of at least 68 inches wide and are ADA accessible. 3. With MACAC staff, identify windows that are compromised with broken glass and/or other damage and schedule repair/replacement based on severity and available funding. 4. Excavate and dispose of approximately 12" of clay fill in a 21.1' x 53.3' area of the lower level outside courtyard adjacent to the building. 5. Fill approximately 12" of clean fill in a 21.1' x 53.3' area of the lower level outside courtyard adjacent to the building, consistent with original underground stormwater detention tanks installation specifications (provided). 6. Propose groundcover/landscaping options for hillsides of lower level outside courtyard adjacent to the building that will significantly decrease additional stormwater runoff. 7. Install selected groundcover/landscaping for hillside of lower level outside courtyard adjacent to the building. 8. Inspect all HVAC dampers. 9. Repair or replace HVAC dampers if damaged or not working properly, or install if missing. 10. Air balance the HVAC system. 11. Obtain all necessary construction permits, inspections, and approvals Questions about the RFP may be submitted by e-mail only, to info@macac-inc.org estimated cost of the total project is in excess of twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000) but shall not include work performed under a rehabilitation or manpower training program


Clubhouse / Community Centers

Public - County


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745 N Negley Ave, Pittsburgh, PA

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Mount Ararat Community Activity Center Construction Services

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